

As planned, Eldred, Alexis, Vorian, and Siliah arrived at Vivetela in their own crafts while David arrived there in his own Voyager, along with all the crews of the Voyager. 

David and his crews were tasked with documenting several things about this 'new planet'. Eldred especially asked for him to be sent to Vivetela because he trusted David more than anyone else with this sensitive task.

All of them had landed in the hangar of the Palace.

Alexis and Vorian walked out of the craft while holding each other's hands. Both of them were really amazed by the atmosphere and surroundings of Vivetela.

"Whoa! Look at these buildings!" Alexis exclaimed while her eyes were busy scanning the whole area where they had landed.

Vorian was also intrigued by the old-fashioned buildings that made them feel like they were in some fairy-tale land of the past. "They look like the typical Palaces of the past."

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