

The next day, Alexis and Natalia met in front of Liam's mansion and then went in together. Liam had already arrived to his mansion and he welcomed the two of them. "I was waiting for you two. Come on, let's get started."

Liam walked towards his main living room and entered the code while the girls waited for the secret door in the middle of the room to open. They could hear the machines whirling and turning.

"I am so excited!" Alexis was rubbing her hands and was moving her hips side to side as if she was doing a little dance. Alexis took a glance at Natalia and asked, "What about you? Aren't you excited?"

Natalia was too busy watching the door open and she subconsciously replied under her breath, "Yeah, can't wait to get scared."

"Scared?" Alexis gave a stern look to Natalia.

Natalia laughed and tired her best to calm down her anxiety. Then she raised both of her hands and said merrily, "Can't wait to see your progress today. Yay!"

As soon as the door opened, Alexis ran down inside the bunker and Natalia also followed after her. Liam took some time to get inside as he went to grab the earmuffs for him and Natalia.

After all three of them entered inside the bunker, Liam closed the door to the bunker to prevent the noise from escaping and scaring his neighbors.

"Hey, do you guys mind if I project Vorian here? He said that he wanted to watch me practice my moves." Alexis asked to Liam and Natalia while grinning expectantly.

"Yeah, of course you can call him. The more the merrier." Liam replied happily. The reason was that he felt that Vorian was a very humble guy and he also wanted to talk with him. And the only time he could have an almost real conversation with his new friend was when Alexis would project him.

"Great, I'll send him the request then." Alexis was in a very good mood today. She could not wait to get a hang of her flight.

In the next moment, Vorian appeared among them with a pair of earmuffs covering his ears. "Hello! everybody. Nice to see you all."

Alexis asked while chuckling, "Why are you wearing those?"

Vorian grinned and then pointed at Liam, "Liam told me that I would be needing one of these."

"When did you…" Alexis turned her gaze towards Liam and both Liam and Natalia were also already wearing their earmuffs "…guys planned this?"

"Hey why was I the only one left out? This is not fair." Alexis stomped her feet and pretended to be angry with her friends.

"I have extra pairs upstairs. Do you want one?" Liam thought that Alexis was really angry. He wanted to ask Alexis earlier but thought that the noise from her attacks did not affect her that much.

Alexis immediately laughed seeing such serious look on Liam's face. "No, no, I was just joking Liam. I'm all good." She swiftly turned around on her heels and then went to the middle of the bunker. "Okay, let's start today's session. I hope I will not startle you guys that much." She pointed at Natalia and shouted, "Natalia, don't faint."

Natalia smiled and gave a thumbs-up to Alexis because she did not understand what she was saying to her because of her ears being covered.

Liam had prepared chairs for them. He and Natalia sat on the chairs and Vorian also dragged his own chair by Liam's side and sat down. They all looked like they were spectators at some serious game.

Alexis stretched her hands and legs and then cracked her knuckles. Then she took her stance and flicked her palms. In an instant, blue balls of fire burned brightly on both of her palms. She aimed at the empty wall in front of her and fired them normally.

A bang sound was heard when it hit the wall. This was Vorian's first time watching Alexis firing the powerful blow. "Whoa… that was amazing." Vorian was seriously impressed by how powerful the attack sounded.

Liam leaned towards Vorian and whispered, "If you think this is amazing, just wait until she uses another technique."

Vorian whispered back to Liam, "You mean she can throw even more powerful attacks than this?" His eyes and jaw were wide open with excitement.

Liam nodded in his response and their eyes were fixed back at Alexis.

Alexis took her attacking stance again. Her palms flickered with fireballs and she brought her palms in front of her chest. And then this time, she directed all her strength behind the attack. She pushed her palms ahead and released her power-packed attack.

BANG - The loud noise echoed throughout the almost-empty bunker. Vorian, Liam, and Natalia could hear the loud sound even when their ears were covered.

Vorian was covering his mouth with his hands. He was awestruck by the power of his girlfriend.

"She has so much raw strength right? I bet she can easily fight with you as well." Liam casually whispered to Vorian.

However, these words from Liam filled Vorian with a kind of fear. Liam noticed a sliver of fear lingering in Vorian's eyes and he instantly corrected himself, "I mean just hand-to-hand combat, and she might defeat you without using her fire."

Vorian chuckled nervously. "I would not want to get into any kind of fights with her. She might put a hole through me. And I definitely do not want that."

Natalia was looking at the boys from the corner of her eyes. She was not enjoying anything at all. It seemed like her boyfriend had found a new best friend and was completely ignoring her. "I hate being ignored by my own boyfriend" she quietly mumbled to herself.

Alexis practiced her fire attacks for some time and now she wanted to try flying around inside the hall. She calmed down her mind, took few deep breaths in and then lifted herself in the air. After gaining the balance, she took a few spins very slowly and then after she got a little hang of it, she flew straight in the direction of Vorian and the others.

She thought that she could control her speed but she still could not do that properly. "Everyone, move out of the way!" Alexis shouted as she was going to crash on them.

Liam and Natalia managed to get out of the way in time. In the chaotic moment, Vorian forgot that he was not physically present at the bunker, and he also sprung away from his seat, away from the incoming accident. Back at Vorian's own room however, there was his bed on the way and he toppled down to the floor.

Alexis leaned backwards and tried controlling her speed. And just before she was about to crash on the wall, she managed to slow down. She hit the wall, but the impact was far less than what it would have been if she had not slowed down in the nick of time.

Alexis looked around at her friends and then took a huge sigh of relief after seeing them unharmed. Then she looked at Vorian who had got up by now, he was also not hurt anywhere.

Alexis felt bad though. What if she had crashed on them? What if some of her fire attacks misfired and her friends got hit? "I am sorry guys. I should have not tried to rush it. Maybe I should not have asked you two to come stay here with me in the first place."

Natalia's heart was thumping very loudly but she managed to smile. She did not want Alexis to feel guilty for the accident that did not happen and said, "It's okay Lexi, don't be so harsh on yourself. And besides, even if you had asked us to stay out of here, we would have barged in anyway."

And after saying that, Natalia ran towards her best friend and then hugged her tightly. Though she was scared out of her mind, she wanted to help Alexis in any way possible so that one day Alexis could be a powerful person.

That hug was what Alexis needed to regain her self-confidence. She took a deep breath in and then smiled at her best friend.

"Now stop moping around and show your magic." Natalia gave a bright smile to Alexis and along with that also gave her encouragement that she needed.

"Alright. Let's do this again." Alexis walked a bit further than her normal spot in the middle and shouted to Natalia, "And stop calling it magic Nat. It sounds ridiculous."

Natalia laughed and then got back to her seat. Liam and Vorian were also ready to see some action.

Alexis lifted herself up again and this time she flew in the other direction slowly and cautiously. She did not want to crash on the wall again. Slowly she successfully maneuvered her way around the bunker. She still kept her distance from her friends though.

And then gradually, she increased her speed while also managing to fly around quite confidently than before.

Now, she wanted to try mixing her two abilities - flight and fire. She had never done that before consciously. It used to happen unconsciously when she would lose her control due to extreme anger.

She kept on hovering in the air in the middle of the hall while contemplating about how to achieve such feat. Till now, she would channel the burning sensation inside of her to create her fire and on contrary to that, she would need to have calm mind for flying.

After thinking for a while, she had an idea. She did not try to restrict any of her feelings. She just let every kind of emotions to flow freely. And lo and behold! The most feared look of Alexis, as felt by Natalia, could be seen.

Alexis was hovering in the air. Her whole body was lit in azure fire. Her emerald eyes were also glowing as if they were emitting fire. The auburn hair was floating in the air. To sum up, Alexis looked invincible.

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