
You're Beautiful, Lia

Jealousy that had taken over and also eternal helplessness. Prince Aerus rarely felt jealous. Ever since he was born he had obtained the highest and greatest things when compared to Elfagos of his age.

 Plus he was an only child. So he had no significant rivals. The only thing that had been bothering him so far was the Qobra clan, which according to reports from Hexodar spies still wanted Hexodar and its territory.

 The Qobra clan was just a nuisance, not something that could make him jealous, frustrated, and claustrophobic. And Lia presented something else.

 Prince Aerus's face twitched, it's always been like that. The red flames in his eyes crawled too fast especially when he saw how deep the bite marks were on Lia's neck.

 'How long did Neil kiss her neck? And how far were they together last night?" Prince Aerus' thoughts wandered, pounding all his patience until it nearly collapsed.

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