
Razed To Ashes

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Ziviel Kingdom, a fire broke out. A blaze that spread wildly and quickly. It was as if someone had posted fore upon the land that was unfortunate to be scorched. However, this was man-made and the site of the furnace-like burning was Rudy's farm and properties. It didn't spare the buildings that were on the land — where he lived and where he stored his crops and tubers.

The smoke that had traveled to the air gathered like a dark cloud over the area, making the people who had sighted it from afar scream in dread. It wasn't a pleasant sight and it sent chills down people's spines.

"There's a fire burning!" one man yelled as he turned around trying to bring people's attention to it. How were they going to carry water to that far area? It was nearly impossible. The citizens of Ziviel gathered in groups around and some about what to do. But no one has left their houses to run to the place of the burning.

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