
Was It Before Her Death Or...?

Princess Ruby turned around to face Veni that had just walked into the library.

"So... to what do I owe this early visit? Did something happen?" Ruby asked with a small smile on her face.

Veni bowed down to greet her. "May you live long, my princess," he said.

"Thank you..."

Ruby sat down and told Veni that he could sit down too on a chair that was a little bit far from the one that she was sitting on at that moment.

"I will stand, My princess. I do not need to sit down, thank you though,' Veni replied.

"Hmm.." Ruby hummed. Something was not right. She could feel it in her bones. What had he come for and why did he have such a look on his face. Veni usually liked sitting with her and talking but this time, he had turned down her offer? Ruby could not wait to hear what Veni had to say this time around.

"S-Something happened, Princess. I-I do not know how to say it but-"

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