
I Have Something For You, Queen.

No, Yianni did not feel bad about what he was thinking about. He had had enough. Now, Dyon had become more of a pest than a wife. He did not even want to do anything that couples did with her. Yianni could not tell when the jealous streak came to life in his wife's behavior. That... that was what had pushed him away.

He remembered when he would go to her room to talk and spend his free hours with her when she had just had that accident. Before Yianni would know it, Dyon started asking him about his whereabouts when he was not with her. What did she think he did when he was not in her chambers with her? Yianni wondered if maybe, Dyon had forgotten that he was a king. She had expected him to spend all his time with her. That did not even sound logical to him at that time and it didn't sound logical now either.

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