

"I am confused"

Seth said as he pondered on what to call the voice or entity he was speaking to. It sounded unusual to him to call the voice 'Mother' but it called him 'son'. That was part of what confused him. But Seth decided to continue with the conversation. 

He already felt some form of calm as the dialogue began.

"Tell me what the confusion is about", the voice said.

Something occurred to Seth.

"What is your name?"


[Why is she being silent now?], Seth thought. 

But just as he thought about the reason for the silence, Seth received an answer.


A smile came on Seth's face. 

This is what he had been searching for for a while now. He had asked Sek, his half-brother... Seth had asked Ling, the wizard, and had planned to ask the queen before her drama with seeing him begun. But none of them had an inkling about what his birth mother's name was.

Next chapter