

Minerva's expression seemed capable of burning even the fire's of hell themselves. All of the Force in the surroundings was ripped into her control and the both of Octavia and Seraphina found it impossible even to breathe. It was as though all the oxygen had been ripped out of their bodies, and to experts like this that entirely relied on Force to sustain themselves… it was exactly like that. 

"We will issue a Challenge Sequence."

Octavia and Seraphina looked toward one another. They had just had a Challenge Sequence and it had already not gone well. Plus, even if they issued one, it didn't mean that the Vast Dream Pavilion had to accept. They could just sit on their hands. 

In addition, they had fallen to the 9999th rank. Or, rather, they shared that rank with two others. They didn't even have the points necessary to trigger one in the first place. Even the middling Dream Pavilions had more to give than they did. 


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