

Leonel was only stunned for a moment before a huge grin spread across his face.

It was unlikely that Aina would know it was him. After all, his last name had been changed and Leonel wasn't exactly an obscure name. However, even given that this city was easily ten times as large as the already large one he had just been in, Leonel would definitely find her soon.

He didn't quite understand why it was that Aina could use her Force while everyone else couldn't, but he felt like the secret behind this was another clue to understand the secrets of this odd Zone.

Of course, it was also possible that his Aina was just that amazing, but that was his rosy glasses talking. There was definitely something deeper here.

Leonel suddenly felt a lot lighter on his feet. Now that he was certain that Aina was okay, he only had to confirm his mother's safety and his mind would truly be free.

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