

Big Buddha frowned when he entered the castle. He immediately realized that there wasn't a single other soul. But, by his estimations, this didn't make sense. He most definitely wasn't the most powerful of those who had chosen to participate. By all rights, he logically shouldn't have been the first to reach this point. 

He suddenly felt like something was wrong. The cold stone beneath his feet, the eerie works of art that hung from the tall walls and windows, the knight statues decorated with immaculate armor… It all felt too quiet, too disconcerting. 

Little did Big Buddha know that there were several individuals feeling the exact way he did.

They all stood in the very same hall Big Buddha did, staring at the same eerie walls, feeling the same stifling weight on their chests, but none of them sensed the other. It was as though they were on different planes of existence, viewing the same things from a completely different perspective.


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