
One Strike

Ren Jurong's hand shook as he held the storage bag full of such a massive amount of storage bag.

"Brother Yu, I would like to advise you against doing so. You won't get it back if you lose your match to—"

"You don't have to worry about that," Alex said. "Just bid it. That's what I want."


"No buts," Alex said. "Or are you trying to refuse me for some reason? Can your establishment not pay this measly amount?"

The man got straighter. "Of course, we can pay. I was just trying to caution you against throwing away such an amount of money. We have many customers who bid wrong and get angry at us."

"Don't worry, I'm sane of mind. Even if I lose it, I have ways to bring more," Alex said. "Now, please go ahead and bid it. We should be leaving for the fight soon."

"Yes," the man said. "However, since you are bidding so much money at once, you will have to comply with some rules."

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