
The Weight of Souls: Reign's Secret Burden

Jin didn't know about Reign's soul manipulation, neither did Kate or Reign's uncle John. He didn't want them to know about it right now, nor did he want them to know just what he could do with his soul manipulation, or what he had already done with it.

After all, killing someone was different than capturing, torturing, and then using their soul as a weapon that would be destroyed.

It was quite … inhumane, a bit terrifying to be honest.

Even in death, an enemy of Reign's would not be allowed to rest.

That was why what he was about to do was not going to be known to Jin.

For a short while, while the prisoners were being treated and were given food and water, there was nothing else to do but wait.

It was during that time that Reign sat down near the wall and closed his eyes, he looked like he was just resting, but the truth was that he had entered his consciousness, right where Aethion had put the souls of the dead Wardens.

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