

Young came the next day and advised Jinwoon to stay in bed for a few days. Jinwoon wanted to protest but when he tried to stand up he was hit with a dizzy spell. He decided to listen to Young and stay in bed.

The next day, he noticed that the information that he had received was 'settling' down. His head felt less full and disorganised. Jinwoon was able to organise a large part of his 'new' memories and was amazed that he understood everything.

A week later Jinwoon had managed to sort through everything. He was now a real scientist. According to Tae Jinwoon changes, Jinwoon had managed to invent space travel and together with a group of 6 geniuses, they had created space ships.

The crew of the space ships were in training now. Jinwoon, Sung Hoon and Sung Joon were all part of the space crew. Jinwoon didn't know if he should cry or laugh. 'This is too absurd but I've transmigrated and I'm able to get pregnant. Nothing is too crazy now.' 

The 'originale' palace was now a museum open to the public. The royals, the Inner and Outer court had all moved further downtown. They all lived in a special housing compound with beautiful and expensive houses. 

Sung Hoon's house was now a sleek three story contemporary house with eight bedrooms and a pool in the basement. Sung Joon lived in a two story glass house next-door. Ki Ha and Da Son lived three houses away. 

The servants who previously lived with Sung Hoon were not needed anymore because everything was automated. Jinwoon had asked Sung Hoon about them but Sung Hoon could only tell him that Hara was one of the scientists in his group.

Jinwoon was wondering what happened to the others but Sung Hoon didn't know them anymore. Jinwoon was wondering if he would ever see them again. He put that sad thought to the back of his head. He had to focus on learning about the changes that have happened. 

The morning after Young had given him the all clear, he and Sung Hoon took their self-driving car to the space station. Jinwoon's mouth nearly dropped when the car took flight. They flew for about twenty minutes.

"God…" Jinwoon couldn't hide his amazement. They were hoving in front of a large building that was floating on a large electro circle. Jinwoon had known that they would go to this building but seeing it in front of him was shocking.

He couldn't believe that he had 'created' all this and more. He couldn't wait to go inside and see all the other creations. Sung Hoon saw that Jinwoon was excited. Instead of being happy, his heart ached because Jinwoon had lost so much of his memory. 

Inside Jinwoon nearly got whiplash from looking around. The place was amazing. The walls were led screens that showed the evolution of the space station and the different successful projects. Sung Hoon had to drag him away.

"We don't have time. The others are waiting for us. It's not your fault but your coma has set us back. We really need to get back on track." Jinwoon looked gloomy. Sung Hoon and Sung Joon had told him about their tight schedule.

In two months five space crafts with around hundred and fifty soldiers, scientists and supplies would be launched to the nearest planet, Pahodu. Tae Jinwoon's plan was to annihilate everything on Pahodu and take the planet over. 

For Tae Jinwoon, this would be a few minutes, maybe an hour, but for Jinwoon and the others involved it would likely be months or even years of pain, suffering and death. Jinwoon had no plan in indulging Tae Jinwoon. 

He was instead planning on making a peaceful exchange and not a devastating war, whereby both planets would lose many lives. He knew that Tae Jinwoon wouldn't expect this but as long as Tae Jinwoon won, Jinwoon would be left alone. 

While shifting through the information, he had discovered that the rules didn't state that you had to conquer a realm. Creating an ally would also give a player a win. Tae Jinwoon and the other beings had never gone this route, since they all assumed that they had to kill.

After telling Sung Hoon about his plans, Sung Hoon told him to go ahead but there were still going to be soldiers going with them. They didn't know how hostile the inhabitants would be and he would never let Jinwoon go without military back-up. 

They had many fights but Sung Hoon won in the end. It was decided that Jinwoon would bring forty extra military personnel with him to Pohodu. It wasn't much but it might be enough to save them if things turned south.

Jinwoon was shocked when Sung Hoon and Sung Joon decided to come with him. The Inner and Outer court had also protested. If anything would go wrong, the royal family would cease to exist. Sung Hoon and Sung Joon had argued that the Kingdom was doing well.

They didn't have a lot to say when it came to ruling the country and that the monarchy wasn't necessary anymore. Them leaving wouldn't create any chaos. The court wasn't happy but they couldn't stop the two brothers. 

It had taken Jinwoon and the scientist years of monitoring and analysing to create a suitable exploration plan. They then set out to create and launch a satellite that could pick up image and sound from Pahodu. 

It took a few failed attempts but they managed to get the satellite into Pahodu orbit. They discovered that Pahodu was at least two centuries behind them. The information gathered from the satellite showed that Jinwoon's plan had a high chance of succeeding. 

The next two months were spent learning about Pahodu's geography, the inhabitants, their language and  religious beliefs, oral tradition and cultural practices. The month before they left, they sent a 'greeting' probe. 

Jinwoon and the scientist hoped that the inhabitants of Pahodu would be less hostile if they knew that they were on their way. The probe explained that they were there to become an ally and that they meant no harm. 

On the day of the launch the streets were packed with people. They were there to wish everybody good luck. A week before, Sung Hoon had handed his crown over to the ministers. The ministers had told him that the crown would be waiting.

  It took the whole convoy two hours to reach the launch site and another two hours before they were ready to lift off. It would take them a month to reach Pahodu. Ground control would keep them updated so that they wouldn't get any nasty surprises. 

The launch was successful and the five space crafts safely entered outer space. Jinwoon and Sung Hoon were sitting in their private room looking outside. "This is amazing!" Sung Hoon was looking back at Yangge. 

"Isn't Yangge beautiful? I also can't believe we're traveling to another planet." Sung Hoon smiled like a little boy. Jinwoon couldn't help comparing Yangge with Earth. There were too many differences. Yangge had more land than sea. 

Jinwoon knew that Yangge was more developed than Earth and there were more people but the planet looked much greener than Earth. Earth was his birthplace but he felt more connected to Yangge than. 

He knew it had to do with the man sitting next to him. He leaned into Sung Hoon. "It's indeed beautiful." Sung Hoon was a bit surprised by Jinwoon's sudden sweetness. He put his arms around him and gave him a kiss on the brow.

"Let's finish your plan and come back home soon." Jinwoon nodded while staring at the receding Yangge. Hours later, all they could see was black with sporadic lights. The time spent on the spaceship went by fast.

While in space the soldiers trained and the scientist did experiments they couldn't do on Yangge. Before they knew it Pahodu slowly came into view. "We will be entering Pahodu atmosphere in three days. We've started to broadcast on all the channels." 

Each captain of the craft reported the same message. Less than twenty minutes later they got a message from ground control. "Pahodu has sent a reply. They are awaiting your arrival. Here is the coordination." 

"They believe that there is just one craft. We advise you to send just one ship. The others should wait in orbit." They had a meeting with the other ships and decided that it was the best thing to do. They didn't want to start off on the wrong foot. 

Everybody started to get excited. They were truly going to land on different planets. "We were going to meet aliens!" Jinwoon burst out laughing when he heard someone say those words. "The people down there are thinking the same thing.

Three days later the spaceship with Sung Hoon and Sung Joon dipped into Pohodu's atmosphere. "Everybody stay alert but don't act rash. We are here in peace." Sung Hoon looked at the twenty soldiers in front of him. 

They all gave him a quick nod. Sung Hoon turned when the ship touched ground. The rear door opened to reveal the new planet. 

Felt like I need to explain a few things. Let me know what you think of the story!?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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