
77. The Fire Amber

Mack was expecting anything but that.

He looked at the thing once more and it was similar to a normal rock found in any place.

But was the onoy thing in there that did not moved a inch when he used his domain runespell.

Meaning, that hing had a will of his own.

Just to be sure, Mack waited for the feedback of his scan.


But nothing showed on his scan.


Owned Essence would react to Mack scan, but this thing didn't moved a inch when using his domain runespell but also didn't appear on his scan.

One thing contradicted the other, while in Mack eyes a row of message saying this thing was a parasite kept him away from touching it and solve this mystery.

"What I do now?"

But when sayng his doubts aloud Mack remebered the plaque at the entrance and what was writen there.

'Let the fire burn in your heart'

Mack remebered the odd phrase. Normally when using this kind of methaphore people would say something like ' let the fire in your heart burn' not the opposite.

Mack pondered and kept an eye on the fire amber.

"I guess i will have another parasite in my body...."

Said Mack remebering the Argonian cape was the same.

He had no reason to do it, he could just store it and research but Mack knew this thing was there for a reason, his ancestor was not one of puting things just for decoration.

And remebering the phrases in the plaque Mack was sure of the reason. It was for him to take.

Mack approched the fire amber and touched with his right hand, at the same time a burning sensation spread to all his body, but not a burning as if made by fire but one as if Mack got a fever, an insanely high fever.

Feeling the burn, Mack retracted his hand but was already too late, the thing had already infected his body.

The temperature of his body was rapidly increasing and Mack felt as if he was inside a lava lake.

He was indeed.


Mack cough for the first time since entering the tower.


Mack put his hand over his mouth as a natural reaction to the coughs.

But when looking at his right hand there was blood in it.

He was coughing blood.


When he was starting to regret his actions something snapped on his mind.

It was complete different from the Argonian Cape. Because the the cape was a mix of tech and biological life.

This thing in the other hand was a parasite and only that.

Mack could not believe what he was feeling right now.

It seemed as if he was connected somehow to all the lava lake.

Mack could not believe what he was feeling, this was like if his own body was not his anymore and instead he was just using it and now he could use in the same way the lava lake.

"What the fuck happened?"

Mack needed to test.

He looked up and deactivated his runespell.

The lava, not having any more restrictions started to fall over again and ocuppy the empty space, but before it could touch Mack, he raised his right hand.

And everything stopped falling.

Mack looked below himself and a pilar of more solid lava came under his foots and raised him while all the lava around him opened space for him to pass.

A few minutes later Mack was above the lava lake again.

Mack snapped his finger and the fire in the entire lake dimmed as if someone had lowered the temperature of a gas oven.

Mack raised his hand like a maestro and the fire in the lava lake burned to its maximum again, but this time, much more than before.

He then closed his eyes to feel this connection better, it seemed he could do much much more with it.

As he kept his eyes closed a strange illusion appeared in his mind, just like a dream or a memory that had faded away.

A black fire.

Burning worlds and consuming all the Essence in them.

A fire that did not produced heat, nor light and had no shadow.

A fire that only aim was to consume everything.

As these images flashed in Mack head a black tattoo appeared on the back of his body, it was a black serpent eating his own tail but the mouth instead of a tongue had a fire coming out.

The tattoo seemed alive as it lightly moved by itself as if breathing and finding a good spot to rest.

It had been aeons since it had a owner. It was craving for something to eat.

That was what Mack felt when he opened his eyes.

"Such an old creature and rare."

Mack raised his right hand again and looked to his own palm.

And after a few seconds a black flame the size of a finger appeared there.

Mack closed his hand and opened again and the there was no more black flame.

"So much power, my ancestor was indeed someone that could not be measured in words"

Mack was still astonished by the discoveries that came with just touching a single black rock.

If his anceator had so much power why did he not took revenge by himself?

'Maybe the enemies are way more powerfull from what I thought initially'

[Congratulations on being accepted by the Void Flame]


[Correct. If you failed you would be food for her now. The tattoo at your back is the sign that it will acknowledge you as his master for your entire life]

'I see...'

Mack was still confused by the sudden revelations, and had many questions, but knew the Arcane would only reveal information if he used the correct words to ask.

But the biggest shock for Mack was the fact that he could control fire around him without using his domain runespell.

And that black fire.....

It seemed so weak now compared to his 'dream' he just had.

Many questions popped in Mack head.

But he would let them for later.

He needed to leave this gate.

Time waited for no man.

Next chapter