
Chapter 64: Yandere? No thanks

(3rd person perspective)

Love has many forms and interpretations between different cultures, races and even two similar people can give a different interpretation to love.

In the end, each consistent entity gives its own meaning to love.

So what is love like for a princess who hasn't even known real friendship?

Lala Satalin Deviluke, the first princess of the Deviluke Empire and the most beloved daughter of the Deviluke Emperor.

It is said that she inherited beauty from her mother so countless men in the universe covet her beauty.

It is said that she possesses one of the brilliant minds in the universe so countless people covet her intellect to achieve their goals.

It is said that she is the key to ascending the throne of the Empire.

It is said that she will have a mandatory marriage with a man who can take her virginity.

There are many things that are said about Lala, some are simple rumors like the ones that mention that taking her virginity will grant eternal life, but there are also true rumors such as the fact that the one who can take her virginity will be her husband even if it was for the force.

Due to her status, Lala was always protected in her home, but this same protection subjected her to one of the cruelest forms of torture, loneliness.

Lala had no real friends as men coveted everything she could give while women envied everything she possessed.

From an early age, Lala understood that she was alone, even her childhood friend viewed her as a romantic interest and even if that friend did not have a greedy attitude towards Lala, she would be saddened to think that no one was interested in spending time with her just as friends, people only wanted her for her beauty, talent, and status.

Lala was intelligent, she understood most of the things that happened in her environment, but the stress that this caused her made her develop a clumsy, childish and carefree attitude.

Lala preferred not to think about her environment and only focused on her inventions, so she took refuge in science and stopped being interested in other people, but this way of living over time made her feel lonely.

Lala had her parents, but they were always busy, she had cute little sisters, but they had their own hobbies, so Lala having no friends built her best friend, an android named Peke.

Lala and Peke were inseparable and that helped Lala to forget her loneliness allowing her to be happy.

One day like any other, Lala received the news that her father had assigned her a husband. That was the first time Lala felt desperate.

Lala didn't dream of meeting a prince charming, she wasn't interested in love either, she just wanted to live freely while she kept creating new inventions.

Lala understood what would happen when she married, she would become like her mother, a woman lacking freedom who only lives for the good of her husband.

Although Lala knew that her mother was happy living that way, Lala did not want that life, and instead, she yearned for freedom.

So Lala escaped from home without a plan or a goal, she just wanted to run away.

Lala did not think well about what she was doing because although she was a genius, that was only in science while in life she lacked experience and knowledge.

Lala was chased by her father's guards and mercenaries who wanted to capture her to sell her, while she escaped it was as she reached a distant and almost unknown planet, Earth.

Lala did not know because this planet was outside the records of the Deviluke Empire that controlled most of the universe, but upon entering Earth she understood, this small planet hid an unknown power that could reject any invading force and even the armed forces of the Empire would become useless on this planet.

What happened next is known. Lala's ship lost power, she was captured by The Auction and after being sold as a novelty product she ended up in the hands of Satou.

In all this time, Lala went through a roller coaster of emotions.

At first Lala's negative emotions explored, she went through the fear of the unknown that later turned into despair and loneliness after losing Peke.

Without Peke, Lala felt completely helpless and anything could have ended up breaking her will, fortunately for her, the person who bought her not only gave her a sense of security back, for the first time Lala experienced what it was like to play with a friend.

Lala grew fond of Satou quickly, on the one hand, it was because she was in the greatest moment of her fragility and she would cling to any friendly hand, and on the other hand, she really enjoyed time with Satou.

Lala's feelings began with gratitude for getting her out of the cage without asking for anything in exchange.

They became friends while playing video games together.

Her feelings turned to guilt when she made Satou touch her breasts so she wouldn't have to go home.

Those feelings switched to more than friendship when Satou didn't get mad when learned the truth and instead gave her a smile.

The feelings turned into lust and attachment when she began spying on him in his nightly activities with his women.

Finally, when Lala saw that other women were approaching Satou it was that she realized that what she felt was love, love more akin to dependency, but ultimately, for her it was love.

Now that Lala saw Satou having sex with a woman he had just met, she felt bad.

Lala knew that Satou had several lovers, but that had never bothered her since she saw those women as part of the same family.

Now that an outside person got into a relationship with Satou before her, who is supposed to be his wife, it made Lala feel bad.

For the first time, Lala experienced jealousy, but unlike normal teenage girls who only harbor a grudge, Lala felt hatred.

Lala didn't hate the dog-eared girl, nor did she hate Satou, Lala's hatred was directed at herself for not being able to make Satou take an interest in her.

Not knowing what to do and having no one to ask for advice because neither her mother nor Peke was around, Lala began to spiral downward in frustration.

The only thing on Lala's mind was an idea: 'Satou doesn't love me'.



(Perspective Satou Yamada)

I sighed seeing the cute pink-haired girl who was becoming the stereotype of a yandere girl.

"Lala ..." - I began to stroke her head wishing that my [Headpat] ability would work correctly this time. - "Do you know that you are important to me?"

Lala stopped murmuring gloomily and looked up, her eyes were empty which was sincerely scaring me.

"If I am important to you then why don't you do the same to me what do you do with other women? Why am I the only one who is ignored? " - Lala began to let little tears come out. - "Do you hate me for having lied to you?"

… Since when did Lala have low self-esteem?

Seeing Lala's anxious expression I could only feel pain, this girl who should only show happiness was now suffering and it was all my fault….

No, I must stop hating myself, if I keep acting like a depressed teenager with suicidal thoughts I will only hurt the people around me.

As pathetic as it sounds, in my past life Lala was one of my main emotional pillars. Even she was just a fictional character, her existence brought me more happiness than the real people around me and for that, I will always be grateful to her even if this Lala and Lala from the anime are two different existences.

The idea that Lala could become a monster like Enma scared me, not because I dislike the yandere (in fact, I like them), but because a yandere is born out of suffering and dependence, what I wish is that Lala does not need me to be happy and that she can find her own happiness, even if it makes her find another man to love, I just want to see her happy.

Although I want her to be happy without me, neither will I deny that I have developed genuine feelings for her and it would hurt to lose her because of what I find myself in an internal conflict.

For the moment, I ignored my own sense of morality and didn't think about the possibility of the FBI sticking a grenade up my butt.

I gently held Lala's face with my hands and smiled fondly at her, ignoring how terrifying her gaze was. - "Lala, I don't hate you, on the contrary, and although it sounds strange coming from someone with my appearance, I love you"

Lala looked at me silently as I was glad she didn't have a knife as this would be the right time for a yandere to stab me.

"It's true? You do not hate me?" - Lala asked me in a low voice.

I feel like I'm in a cheap Mexican soap opera...

"It's impossible for me to hate you Lala, you're too cute and I like everything about you" - I smiled wryly at how strange the situation was.

It feels like a low-budget rom-com scene written by an idiot with no romantic experience.

Lala didn't seem to think like me as she smiled with genuine happiness. - "I love you so we are husband and wife!"

What kind of logic is that?

"Lala, it's not that simple" - I sighed and stroked her beautiful hair. - "You are young and you have a great future ahead of you, you may be in love with me at that time but in the future, you may find your true love, the first love is not always the real one"

My first love in real life and not from anime ended up dying by my hands so maybe I'm being pessimistic.

"Satou, nobody treats me like you do, only you think about my happiness and allow me to choose what I want to do with my life, only you give me freedom" - Without paying attention to my sincere advice, Lala held my hands while smiled. - "Besides, you are the only person who looks at me without an expression that makes me feel uncomfortable"

Now that I remember, the Rite of the anime To Love Ru was a sexual criminal due to Lucky Pervert, but in reality, he was an honest boy who was not affected by the beauty of Lala's mother which could drive even animals crazy.

Perhaps one of the reasons that Lala fell in love with Rito in the anime is because he fulfilled the cliché of 'kind man', a lethal weapon to build a harem according to the logic of the anime.

Following that logic and ignoring my bullshit, I am somewhat of the 'nice man' cliche so that would explain why several girls have approached me even though I am an Ugly Bastard.

Wait, if I'm an Ugly Bastard who is also a Kind Man, doesn't that mean I'm the ideal man for women in this world who combine anime with hentai?

Oh God, I'm worried about my future….

[Achievement obtained: Accept reality and stop crying like a little girl

Reward: a normal chocolate cookie]

Haha, very funny system, you are as funny as a math teacher making a joke about derivatives and tangents, idiot.

I sighed and focused on Lala who was looking at me with expectant eyes, although I don't know what she expects to happen.

Answering my doubts, Lala smiled at me tenderly. - "Then will you be my husband?"

It's cheating to make such a cute expression ...

"…" - I did not know what to say.

Although I admit that I like Lala, the idea of ​​marriage is still something that I find difficult to accept due to all the responsibilities that it implies and I do not feel mentally or emotionally prepared for something like that.

Maybe my brain realized how important this situation was so it proved not as stupid as I thought.

"Lala, do you remember how you felt when another girl took your place?" - I still remember Lala's gloomy expression as she muttered that she got there first.

Lala frowned as she nodded.

"It was my fault not to consider your feelings and for that, I apologize, but now I ask you to think about the feelings of Anida and the other girls" - I felt a little guilty for using the women around me. - "They came first so it would be unfair if I marry you before I marry them ..."

Lala contemplated my words in silence as I congratulated my brain for having thought of such a thing.

"I see, you're right" - Lala nodded, returning to her usual cheerful expression which made me happy.

I was able to let out a sigh of relief, but that feeling didn't last long when Lala kept talking. - "I'll talk to the other women in the mansion to prepare a big wedding!"

… Stupid brain.

I couldn't stop Lala as her school uniform moved like it was alive and in an instant, Lala looked like a decent schoolgirl who hadn't been masturbating.

In a second Lala looked like a proper schoolgirl again and with the same speed with which her clothes changed, she ran out of the lab leaving me with my mouth open.

"What an energetic girl" - Ayana's sister seemed to find the situation amusing. - "I'd better close the door or it will be a problem if a student sees us like this"

The woman closed the door that Lala left open and then smiled at me. - "Well, principal, congratulations on your future wedding"

"... Yare yare daze" - I sighed feeling that I got into a big problem. - "Instead of making fun of me, help me clean up this mess that we've been here for a long time and classes will end soon"

The woman shrugged her shoulders. - "Okay, after all, I'll be your future victim so I just have to follow your orders, oh poor me ~"

…. Oh god, she's another one of those sharp-tongued women, I don't even feel like complaining anymore.

I looked around, the laboratory was a mess with the floor covered in female fluids, on the floor were 3 unconscious women, Mikado, Ayana, and Airi, the latter seems to have fainted after her innocent mind could not bear all the perversion she saw.

The good side of all this is that now I understand that maybe I don't need a massive amount of women to calm my libido and I just need to focus on sex with love instead of just lust, the bad side is that maybe Gan'an will want to kill me because I desecrated his daughter, although knowing that idiot it is likely that he will try to take advantage of this situation to make a profit.

What a headache, I need something to eat.

"Hey, help me clean here and I'll invite you something to eat" - I sighed.

"Oh, that sounds great" - The woman smiled cheekily. - "Ryouko said you made her lunch sushi, I want something just as delicious"

"Fine" - I'm surprised how easy I can get along with this perverted woman, I hope this doesn't mean I'm also a pervert.

"Oh my poor and pretty Ayana-chan, look at you, covered in cum and saliva ... Oh God, you look so delicious ..."

… I definitely don't want to be like this woman.




Author's Note:

My mother and I do not have COVID, we just have a bad cold and I have a small infection in the throat, Yey!

Anyway, a hug to all <3

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