
Chapter Thirteen

Prince Ron was running as fast as his legs could carry him, heart thrashing against his rib cage. Why why why why why?! Why did he chose to go snooping around the huge castle? Now he was being chased by so many guards in the middle of the night. If he were caught, Zedekiel would think he came to the North to spy. Ron had never ran so much in his life.

He is the lazy type. Always lounging about, eating and reading books. If he ever had the energy to do anything, then it was to prank people or sneak out of the castle.

Hearing the thundering footsteps growing louder and louder, Ron increased his speed and took a swift left turn into God knows where.

The guards knew the castle like the back of their hands. If he didn't find a place to hide soon, he'd be done for. With this thought in mind, he saw a door that was slightly ajar so he dashed in without a second thought and stealthily pushed it shut.

Poor Ron didn't even get a chance to breath when he was suddenly slammed against the door. He hit his head on the heavy oak door, making a gash on his forehead. Blood oozed out of the wound.

He stifled a groan but a cold sleek hand grabbed his neck and raised his body high, like a chicken that was about to be slaughtered. Ron wanted to struggle but he stopped when his eyes met cold violet ones.

Oh no! He entered the King's bedroom!

The lion's den!

It would have been better if anyone else found him but not the King!

"What are you doing here?" Zedekiel asked, tightening his hold on Ron's neck. The air supply to his lungs were cut and he was being choked. How could he speak?

He started to struggle, clawing on that beautiful white hand but it only seemed to tighten further and further. Tears sprang to his eyes and he started to feel dizzy. Having no other choice, Ron did the only thing his brain could conjure at that moment.

Mustering all his strength, he raised his leg and landed a kick right between the King's legs.


Right it the nuts!

Zedekiel's face contorted in pain and he released Ron who fell to the floor, coughing, wheezing and spluttering like a fish out of water. The candlelights enabled him to see. Using that, he got up and made a move for the door but a hand caught his ankle, dragging him down.

"Don't even think about it!" Zedekiel growled.

"Ah!" Ron exclaimed when his body landed on the cold ground. He pulled and pulled but the hand on his ankle remained like a vice.

The said hand dragged him and an even heavier body landed on top of him. His hands were seized and held above his head while his lower body was pressed down by the King's legs. He tried and tried and tried but he couldn't escape.

Ron sighed and accepted his fate but then, remembered the way Zedekiel had mercilessly killed those goons, decorating the ground with their blood and innards.

He began to tremble. What if Zedekiel does that to him too? He just nearly choked him to death!

"Are you ready to confess now?" King Zedekiel asked, voice cold and curt, as if giving a death sentence. His violet eyes glowed in the darkness, viciously glaring down at Ron who's heart was trashing against his rib cage. If he could wind back time, he would never have left his room.

He cursed Ludiciel for showing him the garden where the golden berries grew. Curse him curse him curse him!

"You came here to kill me, didn't you?"

Ron would facepalm if he could. "No no future brother in law. Why would I do such a thing?!". His voice was hoarse and he was panting. Sweat poured down his face in rivulets.

"It's a perfect role for you. You're so beautiful and you have innocent eyes. One look and everyone would swear that you cannot hurt a fly" Zedekiel said, eyes sweeping over Ron's form. The little vixen.

Prince Ron was stunned.

'You're so beautiful and you have innocent eyes'.

So Zedekiel found him attractive. He couldn't help but smile. The butterflies in his tummy were buzzing happily. All the fear he felt initially vanished like smoke.

"That's why you decided to stay right?" Zedekiel continued. "Netheridge is a Kingdom that's not really known. How do I know you're not here with a plan? Maybe after killing me, you'd tell your father and your troops will come here, kill my people and take all of our riches. That's what you want huh? Isn't it?" Zedekiel squeezed his hands to the extent that Ron thought his bones were going to shatter. Tears filled his eyes and his bottom lip began to quiver. It hurt. It hurt so much.

"You filthy Ashenmores are all the same. Filled with dirty blood and greedy hearts. You're never contented with what you have. I ought to kill you off one by one"

"I'm not here to kill you" Ron gritted out. He didn't understand the kind of hatred Zedekiel has for him and his people. Dirty blood? Greedy hearts? What the hell was going on? The way he talked was as if he and Ashenmore had history.

"I accidentally came into your room. I swear. Let me go. You're hurting me"

Zedekiel didn't ease his hold at all. He didn't want give Ron any chances. Ron whimpered as the tears threatened to spill. He didn't know what to do and crying before his beloved wasn't an option. He didn't want to be termed weak.

He again recalled the night he was saved by this man. That's right. He was alive today only because Zedekiel saved him. He could at least endure this much before he reveals his identity.

Warmth slipped into his eyes and he gazed at Zedekiel as if he was his world.

The look made Zedekiel pause with his accusations. He wondered, this prince, was there something wrong with his brain? Seeing as Ron wasn't saying a word, he started to search his clothes for any weapon.

Ron started to wiggle about as Zedekiel's hand searched and searched but only came up with a small pouch filled with something soft. He wondered if it was poison. He raised it right above Ron's eyes. "What is this?"

The princes's eyes widened and he tried to grab it but was held firmly down. He started to sweat. "It's nothing future brother in law. Stop snooping. It's quite rude. Give me back my pouch and we'll forget a night like this ever happened"

This only made Zedekiel want to see it more. He loosened the mouth and dumped the contents on the floor.

"No" Ron whined. "Not on the floor. Now they're dirty. Do you even know what I had to go through to get those? I was even chased by your guards!"

Zedekiel looked at the small round golden balls on the floor. Sure enough, they were...

Golden berries?

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