
Chapter 221

Aito stared at the vase he had knocked down, face deathly pale as if he had seen a ghost. He couldn't believe what he just heard. So Ryu knew that 'Aito' was alive. He knew all along and yet, he continued to be with him.

He felt as if countless needles were poking his heart. Tears gathered in his eyes and not wanting to be seen by Ryu, he quickly turned to run away when the door swung open and Ryu stepped out.

Alarmed, Aito started to run but it didn't take Ryu much effort to catch up to him. He easily grabbed Aito's arm, turned him around and embraced him tightly.

"It's not what you think Aito," Ryu said, wanting to smoothen things out before Aito's brain went into the overthinking mode. "I can explain everything. Just please, stay and listen. I promise I'll clear things out okay."

"Bastard!" Aito spat, struggling to get out of Ryu's arms. "I'm not stupid like your ex okay. I don't want to listen to anything. Let me go!"

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