
Mrs. Peeper shows Rudy the beauty and wonders of being peed on. No! She offers him a book, not a demonstration! Don’t be a pervert… in public!

She should be lucky we were close to my house. She apparently had a pair of clean panties with her. That pretty much tells me all I need to know about this. Though I must admit, I did enjoy seeing that. I'm glad I was there to witness it. But it happened immediately after I told her that I wanted to be her boyfriend.

Did I really mean that? I think I just said that. It's not like I'm attracted to her, far from it. But... why did I say that?

The door to the bathroom opens up and she comes out.

"You good?" I ask.

"Yeah..." she says. "No offense but your bathroom is kind of filthy."

"Sorry about that. I know this place is kind of a mess."

"Can we go outside, please?"


So we both head out back into the streets.

"Nola, what do you think?"

"You want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Yeah, but I can't date you like you are. You need to fix yourself."

"I don't think I should. I love joking around about toilet stuff and fart jokes, touching each other in a playful manner, and that kind of stuff, but I don't want to touch pee or poo. If that's what you want to do, it's fine, I'll joke around with you if you want, but I can't be a part of that."

"But do you like me? Do you like me for who I am?"

"Yeah, I like you, but like a friend. I don't see you like a precious boyfriend. Why do you want me as your girlfriend anyways? You can get any girl you want."

"No, I can't. Girls don't like me. They're starting to find out I'm weird. It's only a matter of time before it spreads out. I'm hoping if that's the case, as close to the end as possible. Besides, I want a nasty girl and nobody in school is like me."

"But I'm not a nasty girl. I'm just childish. That's why I laugh at your nasty jokes, but I don't want to actually be a part of it."

"But you're the closest thing to the kind of girl I want. I mean, you give me those butt pats and want some back, and you offered to let me peep, and you even farted on my hand."

"That last one was an accident. I'm sorry about that."

"But the thing is, that's fine. I don't mind. I actual enjoyed it. I just wished you let me enjoy it for a bit more."

"I knew what you were going to do with your hand, okay? I had to spray you with my sanitizer. Rudy, jokes are fine, but maybe you should figure out how to stop wanting to enjoy actually touching that stuff."

"Do you really think I have a problem?"

"Maybe. I just know that it's not healthy to be touching it."

"But what about you? I mean, you offered me to peep and have no problems with me touching you in private places."

"Is that really a problem?"

"Normal people don't do that. They prefer that others keep their hands off. It's called private space, but you don't mind having me touch you everywhere. In fact, you said nothing just now when you were taking off your clothes. You didn't told me to leave or anything."

"There are people that are fine with nudity. I'm one of those people."

"Yeah, but you don't look attractive. You're so thin. You really need to build some muscle. You need to change your appearance, change your personality. You'll start feeling better and stuff."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah. Then I'll be proud to walk around and tell people, 'see this girl, she's my girlfriend'."


"Ah. I'm sorry."

"Rudy, you're serious? You really want me as your precious girlfriend?"

"Uhh.... actually now that I think about it, I don't know. I want a girl like you, but is it really you? I just want someone who understands me, that's all."

I don't blame her for refusing my offer. Even Nola doesn't want any of this, and she's so far the most understanding person. I don't find her attractive at all either. So why do I have this feeling in my gut that wants to be with her?

"We're almost at my apartment." she says.

"I guess I'll see you then."

"See my mom."


"See my mom, Mrs. Peeper."

"Mrs. Peeper? You mean, Elon's mom."

"She's my mom now."


"We switched places, so now she's my mom."

"But, I thought you were siblings, you and Elon."

"No, we're just neighbors."

"Oh yeah, you switched places. But why do you want me to meet her?"

"She can help you. She likes this perverted stuff. Trust me. If there's anyone else you can tell with confidence, it's her. You got to believe me, Rudy."

I can't believe I'm doing this. Here I am, in Nola's apartment, and there's this mature looking woman eyeing me from top to bottom. I'm suppose to tell this woman about myself?

"Elon, what happened to you? I know Nola made you sad, but you literally have changed."

"No, Mrs. Peeper, this is Rudy, he's my new friend."

"New friend? Impossible. He appears to identify as a boy."

"I can have friends that are boys."

"Are you sure this isn't a girl in drag or something."

I finally speak up, "No, I'm a guy."

"Huh? Male? No, no, my. My little Nola is too shy around boys. No, you must be female and not realize it."

"I'm a guy, ma'am. I can assure you."

"Really now? Then show me."

"Show you what?"

"Come now. Show me. Show me your... destructive spire of splendor."

My what now? Is she trying to tell me to show her my d**k? Is this sexual harassment? I can't tell.

"Mrs. Peeper," Nola says, "you got to trust me. He's my friend and he's a boy. He just asked me to be his precious girlfriend."

She gasps, "Is this true? Does this man or possibly woman want to join in celestial harmony with you under the ancient gods?"

What's with this poetic wording? This person is strange. Do i really want to confine in her?

"No, Mrs. Peeper," Nola continues, "I rejected him because he has something he needs to tell you."

"I don't know about this,"I tell her.

"You can trust her, Rudy. She won't judge you."

"Oh! Is he a pervert?" Mrs. Peeper says. "So, what's your pleasure?"

I don't know about this, but looks like this woman is ready to hear something nasty anyways. "Mrs. Peeper, how open minded are you?"

"Pretty much, I'm willing to learn about anything."


"Sure. Cis, homosexuality, incest, narcissism, bestiality. Oof, let me tell you, every animal has at least one person attracted to them."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Dogs, cats, goats, dolphins, lobsters... lobsters... I still can't wrap my head around that one... But yeah. Are you attracted to a certain critter?"

"No, I'm not like that."

"Then tell me. What is it that pains you oh seeker of pleasure?"

"Uhh... scat and piss."

"Hmm..." Did she really go 'hmm'? That's a first. "I got a book." She heads on over to her shelf. She pulls out a book with a yellow and brown cover and hands it to me.

I read the title, "'Golden Splash: My Life with Golden Showers'? What is this?"

"That's a book written by someone who enjoys being peed on to get turned on. It's really disgusting, but interesting nonetheless."


"Yeah. Maybe it'll help you sort things out. But... you can't take it out in public. You're going to get in trouble... like I did," and she takes the book back. "Come here if you want to read it."

"Yeah, I guess I will, but I've been reading stuff like that online. There are communities about this kind of stuff."

"Yeah, I've seen those community. They're as old as I am, so they're not going to welcome you if you try to seek them out."

"So what do you think? Can I live a normal life with this?

"No, you can't."

"No? But I thought you..."

"Listen, Robert..."


"Oh, sorry. Listen, Robert-Rudy, as much as I love reading about this kind of stuff, I can't say yes to the majority of it. I mean, once you read a story about a woman trying to shove a crustacean in her cave of mysteries, you really start realizing the ramifications of having a deviant sexuality. There's just some things you just can't do. In the case of yourself, I guess you can do that, and keep it a secret, but really, how healthy is that? I'm sure there are long term health defects with it too, and my Nola doesn't want that, isn't that right, Nola?" However, Nola left the room. "Oh, right, Nola doesn't like talking about sexual topics. It just makes going to the toilet worse. In either case, if you want a chance with my Nola, you can't pee in her face and expect her to like it."

"Mrs. Peeper, do you understand that your... umm... daughter... neighbor... whoever she is. You do understand she likes to touch, right?"

"Oh yeah. She's been all touchy and grabby with Elon for so long."

"You allowed that?"

"No, of course not. As soon as he said, 'mommy I don't want her touching me anymore', I told her to stop touching my former son."

"Really? So she was touching Elon? Hey, I know about Nola and Elon going to the toilet together, by the way."

"Oh yeah. She couldn't go, so Elon offered his freewill to help her out."

"Yeah, but that's messed her up. She has no self confidence and lacks social skills. Listen, I want to help her. I want to help her exercise and get in shape."

"Then go for it. That may actually help her in the long run. Poor little Nola, she wants to escape her fate. Hey, maybe you're the one who will help her escape."

"Maybe, I guess. Well, I better get going then. But before I go, what do you suggest I do about my situation?"

"Well, if you want to proceed with it, then prepare to live a life of secrecy and extra hygienic practices. I guess if it makes you happy, then I can't stop you. If you want a girlfriend, however, then you'll have to wait till you grow up to find another girl who likes the same thing. I'm sure there's some people your age who are the same, but you are not going to find them at this point. But if you want to be with my Nola, then you'll have to find a way to get this out of your system. I'm sorry but... I mean... a lobster... what if it laid eggs? Girl, the one you got was female. You didn't thought that through."

"Hmm... you know, I'm happy I got to talk to you. Maybe I'll come back."

"Yeah, come back anytime. preferably with proof of your gender next time. Now say good bye to my daughter before you go. She's probably in her room or the bathroom."

Well, that last part was weird coming from her, but anyways I go to what I perceive is her room and knock. I was right as she opens the door.

"How did a chat with my mom go?"

"It was... okay. It got me a lot to think about."

"What about us?"

"Let's forget about that for now. I'm going to think about that too. But... you know... think about what I said, please."

"Alright." She grabs my shoulders, pulls me in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. She smiles and waves at me. "Have a good night," and closes the door.

Man, what a wonderful family. Nola is so lucky to have a mom like that... except that's not her mom. What kind of weird situation is this?

I step outside, ready to leave as the door to the neighbor's opens.

"Rudy!" It's Elon.

== Nola POV==

Aw, this was a perfect opportunity to invite Rudy to peep at me. But I still can't pee without Elon, and Rudy wants to keep our friendship a secret. I guess it would've been awkward seeing me try to pee. But he could've cheered me on or something. Yeah, maybe that's what I need, a cheerleader by my side. Elon's definitely not doing that for sure.

But... girlfriend... I still can't believe he wants me to be his girlfriend. It's not that I don't like him, I do, but like a friend. My precious friend. I can't be his precious girlfriend. He's too good for me, he can get any girl he wants. I'm just a shy girl. I should be lucky I have a friend like him to confine in.

But the idea of being someone's girlfriend sounds nice. I wanted Elon to be that special someone, but that's not going to happen. Still, thinking about Rudy standing there in Elon's place, peeping, it makes me all giddy inside. If only I could replace Elon with him so easily.

I enter the bathroom and prepare myself again. I open the toilet lid and pull down my panties. I sit down and prepare myself to try and pee again.



No way.... I'm peeing? I didn't even try anything. I'm actually peeing by myself!

Next chapter