
Nola’s precious butt pats are for everyone. Why, if only everyone got a nice butt pat every now and again, the world would be a better place.

I haven't talked to Elon ever since he kissed me. He rejected my feelings, only to return them, but he still doesn't like me. Was it because I couldn't go? That never happened before. But why? Why couldn't I go at that time? And why can I now that he kissed me?

I'm ignoring him. He thinks I hate him, but no, I actually still love him, but I can't face him. I hide from him so I can cry alone.

Maybe I should see the doctor, but I don't like her. Maybe I should speak to Heather, but I don't like her either. In fact, I don't like anyone other than Elon. I have no real friends, my family is crazy, even Mrs. Peeper, I can't talk to her.

I really am alone.

I'm walking on the park. I miss the days when me and Elon walked here. I wish those days could last forever. Everything is going away now.

I don't want to be alone.


Ah, is that him? The bad man from before? Oh no, I don't want him to see him. He's a bad man who tried to hurt me.

Wait... is he... crying? Why is he crying?

== Rudy POV ==

What is Nola doing here? Is she crying? But... I'm crying too... crap, is she going to tell everyone? She's going to tell Elon and Heather and they're going to tell everyone. That's it. I'm not going to school anymore. I might as well just go into that institution. My life is over.

Might as well. I've lost my mind and I can't cope with it. I might as well just give up now and forget about the future. I will be known as the disgusting guy who likes to play with his piss. So go ahead, Nola. Just run away and tell them what you saw.

[Picture ->]

Huh? She sat next to me? What is going on? I thought she was afraid of me.

Fine, whatever. Let her sit if she wants. It's over for me, Anyway? It won't be long before the truth comes out. Someone reported me to the authorities. It's most likely that doctor, but it could be Elon or Heather. Or even Nola.

Well, since it's come to this, I might as well apologize.

"Nola, I'm sorry. I'm sorry how I treated you earlier. I just wanted to know what you and Elon were doing in the girl's bathroom. I went crazy over it, but now I know I have a problem. You won't see me anymore, I'm going to an institution. The world won't see me again. So fine, I'm a freak, I get it. I like bathroom stuff, okay?"

This was embarrassing but what's the point of fighting it? At least I can make some peace with Nola. It doesn't matter anyways.

"Me and Elon..." Huh? "I can't go to the bathroom by myself." What? "I need Elon next to me. Something about my mind not wanting me to go without him. If he's not next to me, my body refuses to go."

"What are you saying?"

"Since we were kids, I haven't been able to go to the bathroom without Elon being next to me. It's been going on for like 10 years already. You wanted to know, right? I won't use the bathroom without my best friend next to me."

Is she serious? Is she confessing what I've been wanting to know all this time? I chime in, "Nola, when I first saw you in elementary school, you were being pulled out by a teacher. You and Elon. You were covered in piss. Was that the same thing?"

"Uhh... yeah. At that time, Elon was refusing to go with me, so I forced him. One of us ended up peeing on the other, I don't remember. I think it was me."

"You peed on him?"

"He yelled and I started to cry. And I peed myself. He tried to clean me up but we just got pee all over ourselves."

"Really? Is that really what happened?"

"Yeah. It's so embarrassing. I hate myself for it."

And yet she told me like this. I didn't ask this time, and she's telling me everything.

I'm not going back to school and my mom doesn't want me anymore. I'm going to end up in that facility. So I might as well.

"Nola. I have a fetish. I get turned out by piss and scat. Well, not scat. I like looking at someone take a crap, but not exactly playing with it. But I do like having urine splashed on me. That's why I'm interested in this stuff. I had this friend named Sharky."

"Sharky? That girl that bit people?"

"Yeah. But the thing is she started to pee and poo on me, and I ended up liking it or something. I started getting this funny feeling about it. But now it's messed me up."

She's looking at me all weird. I have nothing to lose. I might as well let out my feelings.

"You should talk to Mrs. Peeper."


"She likes this stuff. She has a whole book shelf full of sexual things. I'm too scared to look at it, but she seems interested in sexual stuff that's not normal. I find it disgusting, but who am I to judge? I go to the bathroom with my best friend, after all."

"Mrs. Peeper? Elon's mom?"

"Yeah. In fact, she's currently my mom."

"What do you mean?"

"Me and Elon traded places because my mom is a terrible person. Now he's dealing with her."

"Traded places? That sounds weird."

"It was his idea. He said that if I moved away from my parents, then I would start feeling better. But... it isn't working. I confessed that I liked him but he rejected me. I couldn't go on the toilet however, so he kissed and I went. I'm so confused. I don't know if he likes me or not. He's playing with my heart."

"He kissed while you were on the toilet?"


"Kissing a girl on the toilet? Well, damn. I find that kind of hot."

"It is?"

"I told you, I have this toilet fetish. I like s**t like this. I mean, I used to date girls and wanted to do nasty things with them. I tried to shove my finger up their butthole."

"PFFFFFFT! HA HA HA!" Whoa, she's laughing. That caught me off guard. "You really tried to stick your finger up their butt? I tried to do that with Elon. I usually give him butt pats, but every now and again, I tried to poke his butt, but he doesn't like that."

"Butt pats? That's new to me."

"Yeah. That's how I show affection. I if like someone, I'll give them a butt pat. But I only like Elon so I would give him extra butt pats."

"You really do that?"

"I used to before I was told to no longer do it. Now I don't have anyone to pat on the butt." Hmm? She's looking at me with interest. "Would you like a butt pat?" She asked quite excitedly. Is she serious?


...But you know what...

"Yeah, sure. But we can't do it here. We're out in public."

She looks around. She was really going to do it, huh? But she grabs me by the hand and pulls me away. We got to a dense area with lots of trees. "Turn around," she says. I do as she asks.


And just like that, she gives me a few good pats. Okay, this feels awkward... but I can't deny it felt good. For someone so scrawny, she put some effort in to that.

I turn around and she's hopping with excitement, giggling with embarrassment, like a little kid. "Okay, my turn." She then turns around and bends a bit. Is she serious?

Yeah, of course she is! Heh... might as well. I swing my arm and give her a nice slap on her ass. Uhh... yeah, she needs to work out her glutes.

"That was not a pat, that was a slap." She wasn't too pleased with that. "Try again."

Again? Sure, why not.

I tone it down and actually give her a few pats. She wasn't pleased with it either.

She stands up right and faces me. "You need to work on your pats." Really, she told me this? "Like this." She turns me around and she pats me again. Oh man, this feels so odd... yet so satisfying. Is this really happening?

"Alright," I say, "that's enough." She's so giddy about it. She's hopping around like a rabbit. She really loves these butt pats.

But... I must admit, I do feel better. Looks like she does too.

Hmm... butt pats.

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