
Therapy session with Nola and Rudy. Two completely normal human beings who don’t think about naughty people parts all the time.

Warning: It gets really... uhh... painful in the end. Brace yourself if you're a guy, but even if you're a girl, prepare to hold on to your crotch.

[Picture ->]

Little by little, Nola has been opening up. I've been working with her for a while and she's doing well in being honest with me. I'm starting to be relieved as I truly thought she was never going to. Now I have hope she will be okay in the long run, assuming she tells me that she loves Elon today. She came earlier today, a first for her. Is she going finally going to confess?

"So, Nola, you dropped by earlier today."

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to you."

"Sorry about that. I had another student in here, and classes were about to start. I hope you weren't waiting for too long."


"So, what do you have to tell me today?"

"I... told Heather that I loved Elon."

"Really? That's great."

"I don't know why, but I felt like I had to tell someone. I miss Elon. He won't hang out with me like we used to."

"I heard he at least walks you home after therapy."

"But that's it. He hasn't taken me to the park lately or hanged out at his place. I miss the days I could laugh with him and talk about things."

"But that's part of growing up. Sometimes we tend to grow apart. It's how we handle it that shows how mature we have become."

"I don't want to grow up."

"But Elon does, and he will, and so will you."


"Nola, will you tell Elon you love him?"


"Still hesitant, I see. Why are you so resistant to tell him?"

"He's going to reject me and he won't help me go to the bathroom anymore. Once I heal and can go to the bathroom by myself, he'll disappear forever."

"So you have confidence you can go by yourself?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to. I want him to take me to the toilet forever."

"Nola, you got to go by yourself and I have a feeling that confessing to him is the very thing that will help you."

"I don't want to lose him." She turns to the side once again to face away from me. I scoot over and rub her shoulder.

"Be strong, Nola. You're shedding away your childhood and heading towards adulthood. This is what you must do. You can't be a child forever. It's time to grow up."

I let her lay here for a while. I bet she is contemplating about the situation. I feel like I've done all I could, now it's up to her. I've narrowed it down to her feelings for Elon being the cause of her natural clogging. I feel if she finally lets these feelings go, she can finally move on from this.

Though I do wonder why she is wiggling her butt. I guess that's another story for another time.

Four o'clock comes. Nola leaves and in comes the star of the basketball team. Oh boy. This kid... Well, this is going to be interesting.

"So, how is it going, Rudy?"

"Listen, who was that girl earlier? The one that came in before?"

"I'm not at liberty to reveal information about other students."

"Her name is Nola, right?"

"I'm not going to reveal anything. I want to talk about you."

"Does she come here often?"

"Mr. Bashaface, please stop asking for information about other students. Let's move on to your session."

"You don't understand. I need to talk to her."

"About the bathroom incident, I'm certain. Talk to me about that instead. That's why you are here, to settle this."

"There's not much to tell. I only saw Nola and Elon get escorted by a teacher. That's it. That's why I need to ask Elon and Nola, but Elon refuses to tell me."

"Rudy, this problem has nothing to do with them. This is all on you. I think there's a deeper problem than your curiosity."

"What problem? I don't have a problem."

"You think you don't have a problem, but any outside observer can tell you are being obsessive about this."

"I'm not that obsessive, I just want to know what happened and then I will finally find peace."

"Rudy... you are aroused by bodily fluids."

"Who told you that!?"

"You did."

"I didn't mention anything. I just said something about what happened to my niece."

"You can't even keep track of your stories. You said it was your cousin, but it's a lie nonetheless. Rudy, this obsession you have with Elon and Nola is because you have a fetish. It seems that bodily waste gets you excited."

"Hey! You can't say that to me! You have no proof."

"Then mind telling me how you go to the bathroom? Tell me, how do you feel when you use the toilet?"

"I feel fine. Nothing happens. I just do my business."

"You don't have any... emotional responses? Like, do you feel a certain way?"

"I feel fine. I just get a little thirsty, that's all, but that's normal."

"What's your routine?"

"Routine? Well... I put on sunglasses before I pee or take a s**t. I also put on a face mask and gloves too. You know, hygiene. Gotta be safe. Normal stuff."

"Normal, huh? Now tell me about yourself. Tell me what happened when you were in elementary school."

"Well, during classes, I was going to the bathroom and that's when I saw a teacher pull out-"

"I know that, but go back. Give me a general description of your past. Tell me, how you were like."

"Well, okay, but I don't see what this has to do with anything."

Back in elementary school, I was one tough kid. Yeah, I didn't let anyone get to me. Yeah, I was a bit of a bully, but not anymore, alright? I'm no longer a bully, but I was. I just picked on the other kids because I was tougher than they were but I regret it. I no longer do that, okay? Don't use that against me.

However, there's always a bigger fish.

In 5th grade, there was this girl, Sharky. A girl who had pigtails, wore glasses, had freckles, and her teeth had a gap in the middle. Her nickname came from her habit of biting people. She was kind of nuts. I think she had some kind of mental illness. She was also taller than me, but I didn't care. She was nothing more than another challenger. If I beat her up, I would be king of the playground.

"You fought a girl?"

"Yeah. You know, equals rights and stuff. Of course I'm going to fight her."

"Okay. I'm going to just assume that was your 5th grade mind at work and you don't do that anymore. Continue."

So Sharky was a real b****h. She picked on others and then bit them. What the hell was wrong with her? We couldn't understand why nobody was stopping her. Probably because she acted normal most of the time. It was when you least expected it, she bit you. It was so weird.

Then one day, I was her next target. I was going to make her regret it.

She comes to me, being all nice and s**t. But I knew she was going to bite me. I told her to piss off, I didn't want to deal with no girl. She didn't like that. She tried to hit me, but no way, I blocked it.

We start to slug it out. I though my boxing lessons were sure to win, but no, she had this weird kung-fu thing going on. She blocked every one of my attacks and gave me a few cuts here and there. I couldn't believe it, someone who was a match. I keep on trying to smash her mouth in and she kept on cutting me up with her fingers. I swear our fight was like something out of an anime.

I tried my hardest but no good, she got me in the gut with some kind of fireball move. You know, where you have both your hands together as if you are summoning a ball of energy or something. Anyways, that did it. I fell to the hard ground. This was it. She was going to bite me, but where? What should I protect? I was wearing long pants and a long sleeved shirt so I cover my face, thinking if she had to bite me, might as well be my hand.

But no! She unzips my pants and pulls them down. She then grabs my d**k and bites it!

"AH!" I shout.

"What?" he asks me, as if what he told me was nothing.

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