
Chapter 74

He's been going on about how much of a bad idea all of this is since he caught up with me packing my stuff from home. I shouldn't have been so surprised to see him around that area considering it's a stone's throw away from Rey's base.

Still, he saw through me in an instant. I let him come with because he said he'd give me the decrypted band, an offer I couldn't begin to refuse. Especially since at that moment I couldn't pause time around him, not with Fawn frozen up in the apartment anyway. Now he just hangs around with me, helping move out against Vertigo and his goons whenever we find them.

The decrypted Question band is a trove of locations. Important ones guarding pieces of the Doomsday machine as well as vital prisoners of the Question. I've yet to stop and wonder what they'd need a prison for, and who exactly they've got in there but I will. 

As soon as Vertigo's six feet under.

Right then I stop chewing, my breath held in shock, "Under!"

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