
[Bonus chapter]30. Demons, Jinx and a Witch.

Zeus sat languidly in front of the fireplace holding the bowl of stew in his hand swirling it around oblivious to the girls internal conflict as she silently moved backwards trying to escape.

She was having a deep thought, seriously reflecting on whether she had somehow triggered the anger of her ancestors when she was a child and they decided to curse, how else can she describe her magnitude of bad luck. Was it an offence she had made when she was a baby or even a fetus?

An image of mini Zeus with long fluffy tails and ears chasing her and crying "mommy, mommy" flashed through her brain making goosebumps appear all over her skin and she shudder.

That would be a nightmare.

For the 100th time, she thank god their marriage was a sham. Among all the 8 billion people on earth, why did it have to be her that winded up with a half demon half animal for a husband?

But she had to give it to him, he had good genes. If only he was human, she would have considered herself lucky. Although his features had altered greatly, his human features almost vanished, he still looks....adorable and cute.

In a manly way.

Like a big bad wolf.

Even though he is a huge jerk when he wants to be, she could cope with that, if he was human. But no, the world is against her and is hell bent on making her life life miserable, that was why even though she made a good catch, they ended up tainting him and made him a demon.

Albeit a sexy demon.

Wait what is she thinking?

Did she just think he is sexy? Oh god. Soph's probably right. Her girly hormones are at work. She needs to get laid, or not.

Whatever. She needs to leave.

He is not adorable, or cute, or sexy. And she would definately not have demon babies thank you very much.

She was inching closer to the door ready to leave. She only wanted to share her food with him, he is her only friend in this place and nothing more. At least he talks to her even though most of the he is just torturing her. He seems to drive pleasure in that. She'd go nuts if she has no one to talk to in this place, at least he keeps her sane. Point is she needs to leave, ASAP.

He'd been gone all night and came back looking like this? What had happened to him? Had had he been to a fight? He looks pretty okay to her, excluding his additional appendages.

"Come back here." The black fluffy tail stretched like a tentacle and coiled around her midriff, dragging her towards him. Que took in a sharp breath.

"Where did you think you are going?"

Of course, that is his problem. Always taking misusing someone's good intentions. It's a wonder his comrades haven't abandoned him yet. She's trying to bring peace here, why can't he see that?

"You should have figured out you can't escape from me, yes?" She stumbled when he tugged her and plupped on his lap. He did that on purpose!

"What are you doing? Quick, let me go." She wiggled her way out.

"Now now. Don't act all shy. I know you want this."

"Stop! Don't say such things!" She gasped, raising her hand ready to smack some sense into him but he was faster than her, bonding her hands at her back and chuckled deeply. How can he be so shameless? What if someone heard him? That would ruin her reputation.

"The first time we met, remember? It was a cool windy night....don't think I forgot."

"That was more than months ago," idiot, she didn't said that out loud though "it was a mistake!"

"Didn't changed that fact that it happened. Stop moving around." He let go of her hands relaxing back on the couch. "Now feed me."

Que narrowed her eyes at him. Is he going to blackmail her?

"Don't give me that look. I still haven't avenge my innocence. Tit for tat." he clicked his tongue.

"Innocence my ass." she muttered and picked up the bowl. He would never let that go would he?

Is he right? She knew he is an huge A-hole but she seek his company none the less. Is it true....No it's not. She's just bored and lonely thats all. Like she needs a man. Ha!

Jijis home training is not going to waste.

She scooped a potion on the spoon and brought it to his mouth. "Haa...." she waited and waited but he made no attempt of opening his mouth. Que heaved a deep sigh. What now? She glanced up and caught his gaze. He was studying her intently, in a deep thought.

With all that went down last night, he needed some time to rest. Time to recuperate and recover his lost energies. He had tracked down some hellhounds, hoping to extract some information from them. In the end it was a futile attempt. Not only had he failed to collect anything from them, he had used up his energy greatly that he could no longer assume the human form.

Things had been getting worse lately, he had no idea how far this would carry on. Bonded to the ring had depleted his energy on its own, now look at the sorry state he found himself in? In order to preserve his energy he had to morph into an animal. What a blasphemy.

Unless he had no other choice, he won't fall to that. He had to recuperate, fast. But this meddlesome human had to prance into his room without his permission.

He had intended to ignore her existence all together. But when he caught her inching closer to door trying to escape, oike a scared little kitten, he suddenly felt like messing with her, even if it's just a little. She gets flustered easily much to his amusement.

She scooped another hearty potion and brought it to his mouth scrunching up her nose. He knew she didn't want to do this, she clearly feared him. He can tell that much by her unsteady heartbeat, but she puts up a brave front. Despite that she still places herself in his presence.

He opened his mouth and she shoved the spoon in, he purposely slip out his tongue and licked her little finger holding the spoon. Her hand shook and she glared at him, turning back to fetch another potion.

"Your nose is already short, keep scrunching it and it'll disappear."

"Maybe I want it to disappear."

"You should be a good maid and do your job happily if you want to please me."

Que's eyelids twiched and she forced a smile.

"Sure. Ha...Open up my lord, the food is getting cold."

"Keep up the act, you might earn your first 5 points."


"Who knows." He took another bite just as the door opened to reveal Zed who had berged in unannounced.

"My lord....Ahem, am I interrupting something?" he darted his eyes between the two.

"Shut up. Why are you here?" Zeus stood up knocking the girl on his lap to the ground.

"Ouch, be gentle." Que said tugging at the hem of her dress.


He ignored her whines, glaring at his useless cousin.

"What happened to you?" Zed had been fully inspecting Zeus, every time they met, something bad seems to have occured. This human girl is truly cursed.

"Let's focus on why you are here for the time being. I specifically instruct you to stay out of my sight unless you've found something useful."

Zed rolled his eyes at his the wolf guy. The guy is powerful all right, but he still throw tantrums like an 8 year old sometimes.

"Relax, we couldn't locate the gates but I've brought someone who could."

"And that someone is?"

"Lady Medusa of Graveworth."

"Lady Medusa? Who is that? How can she help us?" Que who was rubbing her butt on the floor whiped her head up. Her curiosity reared it's head.

"She's a witch."

"That's it. Come on, let's go. I want to know what she can do. I hope she can help me get rid of my curse. Spikes quick, lead the way." She was practically bouncing up and down which had Zed questioning her sanity. She had avoided him all the time they met, what's with the sudden enthusiasm right now. Had he not known better, he'd think she was happy to see him. He shuddered, please, his life is already hard as it is, being with Zeus had already made him miserable, he needs no addition.

He glanced at Zeus who nodded at him.

He knew it was over for him the moment this guy appeared in front of his mansion that day and dragged him out. He never show up unless things have gone south.

Sighing he turned around and lead the way with one wolf man and a bubbly overgrown kid behind him. Can their group get any weirder?

....Cheer me up guys. Vote!!

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