
Chapter 2

When I got home that night after walking with Johno, I picked up my book after flopping onto my bed. I should have been sleeping but while the sun was still up I just couldn't. I put my book down, turned on some music and drifted off to sleep.


I'm later awoken by the sound of my front door closing and footsteps walking through the house. I look at my clock and see that it's 7 am. Bit early for a robbery isn't it?

As quietly as I can I get out of bed and creep down the hall. All the kids are still asleep so I know it's not them and Martha would be catching up on her sleep as much as she could. I can't see anything but from the weight of the footsteps, it's definitely not an intruder.

Everything that happened yesterday comes back in a flash. I turn the corner and I immediately collide with Johnos hard chest.

"Hey I thought you would still be asleep!" he queries catching my arm and pulling me into a hug.

"Um well, the door woke me up. I slept peacefully and besides, I've been sleeping since 5 yesterday after you walked me home!" I quickly filled him in on my interesting evening as he just stood there looking flabbergasted. "Anyways (I continued) my bed looks really inviting again so if you're going to help Maria do all of the housework I am going to continue my slumber party!" I smiled at my own wisecrack remark and started making my way to my room before I remembered two things.

"Oh and Johno, I said causing him to turn around, if I'm still asleep by 11:30 can you please wake me up?" After he nodded a yes I went over and hugged him. Starting to feel dazed again I walked to my room, flopped into the covers and was asleep in a matter of seconds.


Feeling queasy I felt myself being shaken and my eyes flew open as I realised I was screaming and my throat felt hoarse and dry. Looking to my left I saw Johno sitting next to me looking quite shaken himself.

Realising I was still screaming I stopped and looked over at Johno who had slung his arm over my shoulders as tears started rolling down my cheeks freely. Although I felt extremely conscious about how I looked after I had woken up, I openly accepted Johnos half hug and sobbed into his shoulder. Turning it into a full hug, after about ten minutes he pulled back as I was only releasing dry sobs now.

He had a glazed over look in his eyes as he looked at me. As he started to lean in closer, I got a really funny feeling about what might happen so I stood, maybe a tad abrupt and started walking over to my wardrobe.

"Thanks Johno for ... um ... waking me from that disastrous sleep. Um ... I'm gonna go get ready now, thanks again!" I gave him a half hug and hair ruffle on my way to the bathroom with my clean clothes and as soon as I was safely in the bathroom I started to wonder;

"What was that all about?"

<Johno P.O.V>

I don't know what I was doing! Earlier on when I hugged her I stopped myself. But just then I came so close to ruining our friendship, well at least I was until she not very subtly and very abruptly jumped off of the bed and pulled some clothes out of her drawer. As soon as she jumped off of the bed, the fog in my mind cleared and I just sat there almost paralysed with fear until she left.

When she first came to the cafe and got the job I was really distracted. At first, I couldn't figure out why but in the end I realised it was because of Meghan. I was a bit stand-offish when Meghan came on her first day, and only when I started feeling something for her did I start being nice to her.

About a half-hour later Meghan came out dressed in navy skinny jeans, a beige tank top and a sunset orange knitted of the shoulder sweater. I wanted to hug her with all my might, but I thought it might have been a bit awkward considering what happened less than 20 minutes ago.

Thanking me for coming over and asking me to tell Martha she'd be back soon she left. I immediately felt uncomfortable in the orphanage and wanted to get out of here as quick as possible.

+Meghan's P.O.V+


Just because he likes me doesn't mean that he could make advances while I was still sleepy! If I hadn't have moved what would have happened? I didn't even want to think about it.

I stormed out of the orphanage and set off toward Fall Lane. I'd never been down Fall Lane before today. I'd heard of the SSB (Sugar and Spice Bakery) before but I had never seen it. At 1:30 I entered the bakery, ordered a coffee and found the designated table.

I pulled out my phone, plugged in my headphones and leant my head back on the chair. Passing the time by listening to Wanted by Hunter Hayes, Lego House by Ed Sheeran and Come and Get It by Selena Gomez. I also vented myself from everything that had happened today and in the past 5 years while waiting. I pulled the note out and read it over and over again. After about 10 minutes I saw a shadow walking towards me, 'well looks like he's early too' I thought as I slipped the note away into my purse.

A sombre-looking man sat across from me. Age I'd estimated at 25 but his features easily looked 30. He held himself with an aura so unfamiliar to me it felt familiar at the same time. His eyes although burgundy coloured and speckled held stress, worry and relief. The bags under his eyes were prominent and showed themselves clearly, they had obviously been the result of lots of lost z's. His suit was new but also recently stained. He radiated power and authority.

"Ms Walker I'm assuming?" He phrased the statement as a question. He was stocky and when he spoke he had the voice of someone that was always listened to.

"Mr McIntyne?" I produced my hand for a handshake.

"Yes please sit." He shook my hand and we sat, me sipping my coffee whilst he deep in thought.

"So Miss Walker ..."e started but before he could get to into it I stopped him.

"Please call me Meghan."

"Sorry ... Right ... Meghan, I don't know if Richard told you but my maid quit recently ... Her life is a little ..." He broke off looking for the right word.

"Troubling." Well, buddy, if you knew my history I don't think we would be sitting here.

The position is open and I urgently need it filled. Richard has been watching you at both your jobs for the past fortnight and I must say I am pretty impressed by your work achievements. The only possible problem is your age... I understand your 16?"

"Yes" I replied my voice suddenly monotonous.

"And you turn 17 when?" He was starting to ask questions I didn't want to answer now.

"In May."

"Excellent excellent ... So Meghan I'm offering you the job. I do t expect you to decide now, or even today but Richard and I are awed by your level of achievement and kindness to the public."

He stopped and looked at me warily ... "W-what did you say?"

I sat up straighter and started again. " I will take the job I just have a few things to ask you first.

Where do you live?

How do I get to work?

How many people will I be serving or whatever it's called?

Is there a uniform I will need to buy before I start?"

He was staring at me mouth agape. He snapped out of ... whatever it was he was in and started answering my questions.

"Ok well

I live about 1-2 hours away from here in a place called Groves Village. It's quite close to the City.

Depending on if you get permission from your parents you can either stay at home and catch a bus up every day or you can come to stay at Groves Village.

Other than the staff the only residents of the household are myself, Richard, Will and Grace.

There will be no maid type uniform but there is a uniform all employees must wear that is supplied by me and is waiting for you on your first day.

Now I was the one staring at him mouth agape. Living with the boss as well as his children. WOW!

"You have two days to quit both jobs and get a letter written with consent for you to live at Groves Village if that is what you and your parents choose. If so ring this number and two men will be over to help you move all of your belongings."

He stood up and so did I.

"See you soon Meghan" he shook my hand and left the bakery.

Walking back home I realised that this was the perfect opportunity to give Johno the space he needed. When I got home Johno had gone and I found Martha in the office dealing with some expenses.

"Hey, Martha ... Can I talk to you for a minute?"

I told Martha everything about the job interview and all of the 4 highlighted points about what happens if I officially take the job.

"Sweetie I think it's great ... The distance is a bit weird but if you want the job take it. Go live there and earn some money make a good future for yourself. I'm sure that you can still do your school work and we will be just fine."

"I'm still sending you money when I get paid so you can keep this place open. You need it and before you object I want you to have it. I'm getting paid a lot of money trust me I will be fine."

Thank you sweetie. Now go pack and call that new boss of yours. I then think you have two more bosses than deserve a call."

And just like that, she ushered me out of the room.

Next chapter