

"Shotgun! Hmm, how much more can I do with magic?"

 After defeating the wild boars for the first time, other animals came out of the forest and I had to defeat an individual that was eating and fishing for hatsuka in the field.

 Magic attacks are currently being practiced.

 After all, I want a long-range attack that can shoot stones and attack.

 However, basically, what I can say as a person riding on Valkyrie and moving is that it is not impossible to aim and shoot while riding and hit creatures, even though it is difficult.

 It seems that the horsemen in my previous life used bows, but how did they hit them?

 That's why I decided to use [Shotgun] for magic practice.

 After trying many times since then, I switched to a method of flying multiple hard stones that are not metal but have a shape like a hard, pointed arrowhead.

 I think they will fly about 20 to 30m.

 However, the power will be reduced the farther they move away from the original point of attack, so I can only use it when I get close enough.

 It's a little different from the long-range attack I was planning, but with this, it is possible to hit a target even while riding.

 For the time being, let's just use this.

"But honestly, it's annoying."

 I thought that the officially adopted [Shotgun] would make it easy to battle, but it was difficult for me to go out every time a large wild boar appeared.

 After all, even if I attack with [Shotgun], I can't always kill a wild boar.

 In the end, the last thing I can count on is a trap with Valkyrie's jumps and big crack-like pits.

 No way, I would like to not accept that job if I was asked if I would like to continue to shoulder the trouble of making a big hole at one point in the fields to invite the wild boars each time they appear and having to guiding them to that point.

"I have to think of a way to keep the fields from being damaged, not a way to defeat them."

 I kept looking around and muttering to myself.

 * * *

 I've heard the word precedentism. (TLN: Couldn't find the word in the Oxford Dictionary. It may also just be 'precedent', which means 'an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances'.)

 It is a good idea for us to learn from people about what to do because of the wisdom of our predecessors.

 In the end, the way to prevent the wild boar's nuisance wildlife this time was to do it the way someone once thought.

 In other words, I decided to enclose the field so that it would not be damaged, and I decided to make a wall around the field.

 Thinking about it, the village is surrounded by wooden fences and the city was surrounded by ramparts.

 It is correct that a barrier is the most effective against foreign enemies.

 Besides, this will help relieve the anxiety in the minds of those who are farming in the fields under Nii-san's command.

 Wouldn't it be enough if people could think that it would be safe to escape to the back of a solid, protecting wall at any time?

"So, the problem is how much to surround ..."

 I look at the land I have cultivated and think about it.

 Looking over the fields from my hideout, the place that was my original base, I was surprised to see the horizon.

 I've heard it somewhere in the past.

 It is said that the distance that can be seen from the height of a person's head is about 4 km away.

 I'm not sure if it's a scientific theory that works in this world as well, but I think it's somehow true.

 And I think it's about 5 to 6km that I can see as I'm a child and sitting on Valkyrie's back.

 Well, I'm impressed with how far I can see.

 The wild boars will also come out of the forest.

"Well, how do I do it properly? Maybe I'll make a wall at the boundary between the forest and the field first."

I've cultivated the surrounding land so much hoping to acquire a lot of property, but in reality, there is already a surplus of land.

 My brother, Baito-nii, uses the surplus manpower of the village to do the farming work, but if all the cultivated land is turned into fields, it will not be possible to maintain it all.

 For this reason, there are some places where the land that has been leveled by uprooting trees remains as it is without becoming a field.

 With that in mind, all I have to do is create a wall that surrounds the fields and the land that could be used in the future.

 If it's not enough, I can add more walls later.

 Is the problem the size of the wall?

 The wild boars are large, and have huge bodies with a total length of about 3 m each.

 Considering the possibility that they will rush with full power, I want at least enough defense ability to give people time to escape before they charge in.

 I thought about it after the wild boar crashed into the side of the pit.

"... Large is also small, so do I want to make it larger that the term 'large'?"

 So I started building the wall.

 To protect the field, a thick wall was stretched toward the horizon at the boundary between the field and the forest, which I thought was a little overkill and is 10m high and 5m thick.



So, you can tell what the chapter's mainly about. It is about how Ars got sick of having to rush down to the fields every time that the wild boars attacked the fields. He created [Shotgun] but it can only harm the boars but not outright kill them. So that is the reason why he gets tired of being called upon to deal with those pesky boars. Now, the wall idea sprouted from how he wanted the people that worked in his fields to not be anxious about not being able to escape before the boars start chasing them. He created it for his own benefit as well as to have the workers get peace of mind.

TLN Continued:

Sorry to say... I am dropping this novel.... hahahahaha! No! I am not dropping it! Yeah, a pretty lame prank.. but who cares? I am going to translate this novel to its full 800 something chapters! Mark my words! Until then, I hope the dear readers stick with it— no matter how trashy it may get.... but I am experiencing this all just like you readers so I don't know if the rest of the novel is gonna be good or not. Now, you may realize that I am basically on a hiatus for everything I'm doing. If you did.... then you are technically correct. I am just being swayed by real life things that are happening and passing by. I have 3 jam-packed schedules for the next 2 weeks, and not to mention the tedious work that my boss has passed towards me. All I am hoping for is that the dear readers (including me, cuz I am a reader, after all... hehehe....) bear with my flimsy schedule. I have decided that I am going to focus on translating as many chapters for this novel as I can. Sorry, Smartphone fans, but I need to get my act together and start focusing on everything.

Next chapter