
Chapter 9: Blair’s POV

Luckily my parents had arrived twenty minutes after Alice left. They were way too busy talking about their trip to notice the dead giveaways, for example, the McDonald's in the living room. I could've just told them Callie had come over but not having to lie was much more manageable. The rest of the day went by slowly and my classes on Monday were the same. I hadn't seen her all day and it was driving me crazy. When the bell rang signaling it was time for statistics I half sprinted through the halls and in the room. Once inside I saw her and she gave me a small innocent smile as I took my seat. Throughout class I would catch her checking me out every so often and she would catch me doing the same and smirk knowingly. Her flowered dress and jean jacket looked cute on her and was much less revealing than I'd hoped. As the final bell rang I smirked and slowly packed my things until everyone had left. When I looked up I realized that Alice was now only a foot away looking down at me with a small nervous smile.

"Hello Ms. Winters, I loved the lesson today." I said lowly as I stood up

She was a mere two inches taller than me causing her to still look down "I'm glad you enjoyed it Miss Collins, I was wondering if you still needed some after school tutoring?"

I smirked "Oh yeah, definitely, I just don't understand this statistics stuff at all."

She rolled her eyes before whispering in my ear "Meet me at my place in thirty minutes."

I nodded my head and smiled "I look forward to our tutoring session."

"Me too." She smirked as I exited the room

Once in the hall Amber strolled up to me with a big smile plastered to her face "Hey Blair."

"Hi." I replied nonchalantly as I tried to get past her

She put her hand on my chest stopping me "Wait just one sec, I have a question for you."

At this moment Alice just had to walk out of her room and she seemed rather distraught by the scene in front of her but Amber still hadn't noticed her.

"Would you maybe wanna sneak over to my place tonight for some fun?" She asked a lousy smirk playing her lips

I laughed "No I'm good."

Alice laughed, catching the attention of Amber who sent her a cold glare.

"Whatever." She grumbled before disappearing down the hall

Alice gave me a small smirk and I smiled back at her before heading to my locker. I quickly grabbed my skateboard and threw a few books into my locker before making my way outside of the building where Callie was sitting on the curb.

"Hey Callie, everything is okay?" I asked walking up to her

She turned to me with tears in her eyes and I instantly dropped my skateboard and pulled her into a hug "What's wrong Callie?"

She sniffled slightly "I got a C on my assignment for English."

I laughed slightly and then stopped realizing she was now glaring at me "Callie it's okay you can't be perfect all the time, it's just a C and I'm sure you'll get an A in the class anyway."

"I guess," she said rolling her eyes before wiping a tear away "My parents are going to flip if they find out."

"Well we just have to make sure they don't find out then." I laughed releasing her from my hug and sitting next to her on the curb

She laughed softly but without humor "Yeah you're right about that, do you wanna go get some food or something?"

"Uh," I stuttered out "I actually have to be somewhere in twenty minutes."

"Where?" She asked curiously

I bit my lip realizing she would probably never let this go if I didn't tell her "I can't tell you here."

"Hmmm keeping secrets are we?" She joked

I rolled my eyes "Something like that, I promise I'll explain next time you come over."

"How about later?" She asked

"How's seven sound?" I replied standing up and retrieving my skateboard

She smiled "Sounds good, have fun with whatever the big secret is."

I smirked "Oh I will."

I dropped my board and waved goodbye before heading towards Alice's house. I grabbed the blunt I had been saving from my pocket and realized it was slightly crushed from being trapped all day and sighed. Grabbing my lighter I put the blunt into my mouth and lit it while riding before exhaling a cloud of smoke. Feeling the buzz slowly starting to hit me as I rode I smiled when I saw Alice getting out of her car and got an idea. She looked over at me and her face lit up with excitement until she saw the blunt and then she seemed ready to scold me like a child or something.

I stopped and kicked my board up catching it with my free hand and smirked at her "Want a hit?"

She rolled her eyes and took the blunt much to my surprise taking a deep drag before releasing the smoke.

She repeated the action and then passed it back "What is that it tastes like heaven."

"OG Kush." I shrugged as she led me to her fenced in backyard

Once through the gate we sat at the glass table on the stone patio "Can I have another hit?"

Surprised, I handed it to her and smirked "Long day?"

"It's just too good to pass up." She giggled seeming to already be feeling the effects

I laughed softly and took the blunt back from her that was now too small to smoke "Where can I ash this?"

"Just put it out with your foot, no one else comes back here." She shrugged carelessly

I smirked and put it out as instructed "You're in a good mood today."

"Mmm don't ruin it." She hummed looking at me with her eyes red from the blunt

I laughed and relaxed back into the chair "I'll try not to but I can't stay long, I'm hanging out with Callie at seven."

"Did you tell her about, well, what happened?" She asked nervously

"Not yet," I hummed out "I planned on telling her tonight."

She rolled her eyes and glared at me "It's supposed to be a secret Blair."

"She's been my best friend since I moved here, she's not going to tell anyone Alice I promise I wouldn't do something like that to you." I explained calmly

She thought over what I had said and nodded "Alright, but please promise me you won't tell anyone else."

"I promise." I smiled leaning over and kissing her cheek "So why did you want me to come over?"

"I missed you." She admitted

I smiled at her "I missed you too Alice."

We sat and talked until seven rolled around and then I quickly kissed her goodbye and rode home where Callie was waiting for me on the front steps. I promptly kicked my skateboard up and carried it with me over to her with a smile.

"Someone looks like they had fun." She said with a smirk

I rolled my eyes as we entered the house and threw my board on the ground "You could say that."

"So where were you?" She questioned

I could tell her curiosity was killing her and my parents luckily weren't home as usual so now was as good of a time as any to tell her.

"Ms. Winters house." I breathed out nervously

She looked confused "Why?"

I smirked and went into the living room sitting on the couch and Callie followed me sitting next to me.

"Come on Blair you know I'm not going to judge you, what is she tutoring you or something?" She pressed further

"Well more like, fucking me." I blurted out causing Callie's eyes to go wide

"How in the hell?" She yelled in confusion

"Well Friday I kinda got lost trying to walk home and I kinda just laid in her yard, I had no idea it was her yard though. It's complicated but she accidentally fell on me, we kissed and then I woke up on her couch." I started explaining retaining every ounce of Callies attention "And then she kissed me when we were having coffee. I asked her to come over for dinner, and then we had sex and she stayed the night here Saturday."

"Are you joking Blair? Is this like some joke or something?" She questioned in disbelief

I laughed nervously "It's definitely not a joke I think I remember who I've fucked, well I remember Alice at least."

"Alice?" She questioned

"Alice Winters." I smirked proudly

She started laughing hysterically "I really should've seen this coming."

"How?" I asked confused

"You would go after the hottest teacher in school." She teased

"Hey, it's not my fault she wanted to fuck me!" I exclaimed laughing

"Mhm sure, so you didn't kiss her first?" She asked

I rolled my eyes "Yeah I did, so what?"

"I just can't believe you actually fucked your teacher." She laughed

I smirked "Now you understand why I couldn't tell you at school."
