
1.6 The First World(Part 1)

Grandier Hotel. Room 3448(VIP Suite).

Ryan looked at the trembling girl with an icy glare. He felt no pity for her, just repulsive contempt.

Zhang Mian tried to diminish her sense of presence in the hotel room. Her torn and tattered white dress is hanging pitifully on her exposed body. Ryan ignored her miserable crying. Since he knows the pompous girl deserved it, he didn't felt the need to appease and coax her.

"Father should know this matter," He indignantly said. "I think he's on the way here."

Zhang Mian choked on her sobbing.

"Older brother, please, no! Daddy will be angry and punish me severely for this!" She pleaded while in tears.

"So, what is wrong with that?" Ryan said back. There is not a single trace of gentleness in his voice. "You stupid pampered princess! Why didn't you consider the consequence of your action before this? Do you think the world is revolving around you? Who do you think you are? A god?!"

"Older bro...brother...forgive me, please? I'm begging you. Just let me go this once time. Please don't tell daddy about this matter." Zhang Mian tried to stand on her two feet but to no avail. Her trembling legs are unable to support her body weight, and she collapsed back on the floor. "Daddy will lock me in the mansion if he knows. I, I will..."

"Pft...What did you say? Let you go? What a joke. When you trapped me in the restraint of the drugs, do you felt anything for me, Mian, anything, except hatred?" Ryan snorted. " Besides, father already knows. He is on his way to come here. And, did you mention lock-in? Rather than lock you in the mansion, I think father will send you abroad at this rate, silly girl. Until this matter is resolving, you might need to stay there for a couple of years. Or, do you prefer to stay behind the prison?"

As soon as Zhang Mian heard Ryan's words, she couldn't hide her scared expression anymore. Zhang Mian is unable to suppress her sobbing mess any longer. She lets her tears running down freely.

(Host, your father is here.)

{My father is dead. I am an orphan with a snake as a mother.}

(I mean the original owner's father! Zhang Wei's father!) White Ball gnashed its tooth angrily.

{He is slow.} Ryan complained in his heart. {I am a little tired of standing. My feet hurt. Did I perhaps sprain it during the fight?}

(Then you should find a place to sit! Who told you to keep standing?)

{I should act dignified in front of my enemies! How can I show my prowess when I cannot even stand after defeating several bodyguards with zero talent in a fight?}

White Ball is unable to refute Ryan's exaggerating claim. Zero talent in a fight? Those guys are the best bodyguards hired by the villain! You're the one who is too powerful for characters like them!

They heard firm knocking sounds on the door. Ryan slowly walks towards the door. He is a bit nervous about meeting face to face with the original owner's father. Will the older man realize the fact that his son had been replacing by a foreign soul?

An older man resembles Zhang Wei is casually entered the hotel room. With handsome features and stylish clothes, one could easily assume his identity as a president of a big corporation. The vibe of authority he is exuding is making anyone bowed their heads in respect. They are willingly prostrating themselves to him. The arrogant air surrounding him befit his status perfectly. Behind the man, two other persons followed him inside. From Zhang Wei's memory, these two men are his father's secretary and his assistant.

Ryan bowed his head.

"Father, you're here." He greeted the older man respectively.

Zhang Long surveyed his surrounding. He saw a group of men in black suits heaped like rug dolls. Some of them are unconscious, while others are groaning and writhing in pain, lying helplessly on the cold floor, with visible bruises and wounds on their bodies. His eyebrows slanted into a crooked line. And he looked at Ryan suspiciously.

"Did you do this, Ah Wei?"

Ryan nodded his head. Even if he tried to lie, Zhang Wei's father could easily confirm his doubt with the room's CCTV footage. Ryan knows there are hidden cameras in this room. Zhang Mian asked Kai to put them in discreet locations around the room.

Well, the good news is, he is not the one who gets photographed in an embarrassing position. Zhang Mian is. Serve her right, then. And, it's such a hassle for him to delete the footage. So, Ryan will leave those things in Zhang Long's hands.

"Hmm," Zhang Long is a bit surprised. His gentle and kindhearted son can fight back and knock out other bigger opponents in a blink of an eye? "Not bad, Ah Wei." He commented.

Ryan is flabbergasted. For him, this is not the kind of reaction he's expecting from this man.

"Thank you...?"

"You can go first, Ah Wei. I will settle this matter with your darling sister." Zhang Long found a place to sit amidst the group of people. He gestured toward the secretary to remove the hindrance. The secretary mercilessly kicked the unconscious man from a sofa in the middle of the room. He brushed the furniture with a handkerchief. After he is satisfied with his handiwork, he moved aside. He motioned his employer, Zhang Long to sit. "Mian," Zhang Long glanced towards his daughter and shook his head in disdain. "If not because of your late mother, Zhang Mian, I will disown you and throw you away on the street. You have everything you want, and yet, you are still unsatisfied?"

Zhang Mian flinched on the corner of the room. She couldn't stop trembling. The moment her father entered the room, Zhang Mian had nervously anticipated her father's following action. He speaks in a calm and serene tone. However, Zhang Mian felt the voice is not comforting her adulated heart at all. It raised her sense of crisis and awareness. Disappointment is evident in the older man's every word. She knows it is too late to plead for her father's forgiveness as her chance as a successor already perishes into nothingness. But, her father will not abandon his treasured daughter. Right?

Previously, no matter what kind of problem she caused, her father always be supportive of her every action. Isn't it? That's why Zhang Mian can hold her head up and walked arrogantly in front of other people. She is the chosen one. She is the daughter of a wealthy conglomerate, the famous Zhang Corporation's president! There's nothing to be afraid of as long as her father is willing to give her the most needed second chance.

"Dad...daddy, Mian is..."

"Shut your mouth, Zhang Mian. I am tired of your rambling." From his tone, every person in the hotel room could sense Zhang Long's patience level had long reached its bottom line.

Zhang Mian is unable to finish her words. She is forcing to swallow back her pleading words, lest she will get another heavy punishment for irritating her father.

"And, Ah Wei, why are you still here? Didn't I order you to go?"

Ryan snapped out from his stupor.

"Did you have something more to say?" Zhang Long looked at his eldest child.

"What are you going to do to her?" Ryan wanted to know Zhang Long's plan on handling his daughter's matter. If his answer is unsatisfactory, Ryan will carry out the punishment himself rather than leaving it in the hands of this man. There's no way he will let FL's wrongdoing go unnoticed. She had a share of the blame for the original owner's death after all.

"Well, everything will be handle privately. But, Mian's position as a possible heir is no longer valid. She is no longer my daughter. She already stepped over my bottom lines so many times, and I am pissed off." Zhang Long casually replied.

(Ting! The host had completed his second mission successfully, revealing the FL's true face. You got additional 50 points. Your current points are 1150pts. Keeps up the good work, host!)

Ryan scratched his head. Should he act happy as he heard the system's notification, or should he ignore it? He accidentally revealed the green tea bitch's true face to her father! Besides, the older man knows his daughter's personality very well. He just decided to wait and is biding his time as he finds the perfect chance to abandon his daughter.

From the system's point of view, is this task considered completed? He didn't have any intention to do the second mission at all! That girl just irritated him, and he only seeks revenge for that.

"Then, I will get going...father." Ryan awkwardly said. The faster he goes, the better. He didn't want to entangle himself in this family drama any longer than necessary.


Everyone is confused about what happened. Right? Well, we should probably turn back the time to ten hours before this predicament.

The rest will be explaining in the next chapter. Everyone, this is the ending of part one.
