
The Interrogation

[Episode 23]

Why's Lynn looking at me so strangely now? She suddenly stopped talking after bragging about how amazing she is. "Is anything the matter?"

"No not really sweet bun. I was just thinking that I know nothing about you is all." She puts her hands up in a peace sign, "Tell me a bit about yourself! I love talking but I also enjoy listening just as much!"

Me? Talk about myself? "I would prefer not to Lynn."

"Aww come on Ruvie! You aren't just going to let little ol' me spill half my life's trauma without telling me anything in return are you?"

She's good. Guilt-tripping me I see. I'm bad at confrontations so I'll just tell her enough to make her satisfied. "Fine, you win. What do you want to hear?"

"Hmmm. Do you have any siblings?" Oh, she's starting with easy questions.

"Yes." She stares at me in disbelief.

"Ruvie, you're seriously not going to end your sentence there are you?! Tell me more, like how many you have, girls, boys, age you know the drill!" Lynn's harder to please than I thought.

"Well uh, I have five sisters-"

"Five?!" She covers her mouth with her hands and beckons me to continue.

I'm not used to talking about myself so this is pretty nerve-wracking and to make it worse, I haven't had a conversation this long with someone for a while either but considering how dry my throat feels, I doubt I can talk as much as Lynn wants me to.

"Yeah. I have three older sisters and two younger ones. I was in charge of everything for Reigna and Rysia. I mean, my younger sisters. Rysia's the youngest, she's only Nine but she's frankly good at playing most instruments while Reigna, who's five years older than her, is super sporty. Roanna is the second born who loves rumours and is a bit like an old lady. The oldest, who's a lot like you, Romiya had to take care of me but often neglected me because she had her hands full with my crazy parents. Then there's Rikonna. Ah! Riko's three years older than me, you'd always find her sleeping no matter the situation... Right, did I mention Roanna and Rikonna were twins?"

Lynn bursts out laughing. "I've figured you out Ruvie! The thing that'll make you talk is anything about your sisters! That's so cute! You must really love them."

What? Love? Me towards them? Gross! "They're the bane of my existence if anything. They constantly fight about the dumbest things and that always involves hair pulling, they're always all in bad moods at different moments because of that time of the month and that also means no food since they tend to eat the pain away, I'm the one who constantly has to suffer by shopping to keep the house even a little stable, fearing that the house will return to a mess by the time I get home because someone decided it would be a good idea to "borrow" clothes or snacks without permission or something equally as dumb as that!"

"I was right Ruvie! Your sisters make you talk huh?!" Crap. I spoke too much. Lynn grabs my hands while smiling. "Hearing about your sisters is lovely and all but now I want to hear more about you!"

I can't say more about myself since I'm not that interesting but she obviously won't take no for an answer so, "I'm 17 and I'm in high school, I moved to Japan from the Uk ten years ago because my parents started a business."

Lynn looks at me eagerly, "Cool! something new! Do you have any hobbies like your sisters?"

"Well, I do enjoy gaming."

Jumping up her eyes glow sharply, "You like to game?! Oo! Oo! Did you happen to play CHWAF??! It was one of the highest internationally rating MOBA games before we got sent here!"

"Oh, you mean Crimson Horizon When All Fall?"

Lynn claps her hands, "Yes! That's the one!! Who's your favourite team out of the top five? I can only talk about other teams since mine was only silver rank hehe."

So even she's bad at some things. I'd prefer not to talk about this anymore but she seems so excited. "Well, I did like watching the streams for the Kolapis team."

"The Kolapis team! They're currently No.3 I believe. Understandable, they've got great teamwork! I'm more into the Gerdons and the team they fight for first place, The Subinians!"

She went and said it. "Uhm Lynn I don't want to-"

"It's sad what happened to the Subinians two years ago though, their captain left the team and got replaced by the No.8 player at the time. It doesn't feel the same without him and considering they're always fighting for the top spot now, it shows. I think the previous captain who was the No.1 player was called, Rodermir!"

"LYNN STOP!" Dammit! Why did she have to- Crap, did I just shout that out loud? I look around noticing shocked eyes directed at me and cover my face with my hair to seem less conspicuous.

"Ruvie? I'm sorry did I talk too much again? I got a little too excited." I'm horrible. I didn't tell her to stop earlier but I got mad at her.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. You did nothing wrong." I can't believe I acted like such a child. I probably thought that after such a long time I wouldn't have to hear that name again, especially now that I'm in another world.

"I know I probably shouldn't be prying considering your reaction but I'd like an explanation if that's allowed. If you aren't comfortable saying anything anymore that's fine too."

I think she deserves one since I yelled in her face like some baby. I'd rather not say anything but it's my fault.

"No, I'll tell you but only once so listen up."

Thank you levic and TonioG04 for giving me power stones this and last week! I really and truly appreciate it, please keep supporting me, everyone! :) <3

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