
18: Tested in love

Mable follows Riswan to his room quickly asking him why he didn't say a word downstairs, "father?father? you left without saying a word,why? you have been vindicated"

Riswan looks at Mable in anger,"it makes no difference to me"

Mable looks at her father in surprise, " what do you mean father, now that the truth is out,Mark will let Kel and I get married "

Riswan shouts at his daughter and reprimands her," but I won't let that happen! that man treated you like an animal, the he hit you with a big stick,and you expect me to let go of everything? never!"

Mable tries to convince her father but she cuts her off and asks her to leave. She leaves the room and goes to hers where she starts to throw her pillows and teddy's on the wall as a way of venting out of her anger," why me? nothing good comes my way,I can't take it anymore!"

Aunt Mirabel walks in and sees how frustrated her niece is and talks to her, " I understand what you must be going through but just calm down everything has time"

Aunt Mirabel and Mable sit on the bed, Mable puts her head on Mirabel's lap and falls asleep. The next day, Ishan comes to Mable and tells the villagers are waiting for her to pass announcements. She goes there with the enter family and starts to pass announcements, "it is good that we finally have our freedom back,so now I would like to introduce you all to my coach who helped me be what I am today, sir Ray, from now on, he is in of training the warriors. And one last thing I want to make clear to all of you, under my rule, no one will oppress a woman, a girl child will get education, a woman will choose who she wants to marry, women will not be mistreated,considered useless or insulted because they are next to God. Should I hear anyone insult or oppress a woman I will personally deal with that person. In my generation and rule, everyone will be treated equally!"

Everyone is happy with Mable's judgement, they give her a round of applause and chant her name out loud.

When the family gets back home, Riswan surprises everyone with some disturbing news,"attention, I have an announcement to make, I have arranged a suitor film Mable he will be coming tomorrow with his family and we'll arrange the wedding day"

Everyone looks at him in surprise especially Mable and Kel. But they say nothing as Riswan is not ready to accept any contributions.

The following day, the family is preparing for the wedding when the arranged suitor walks in with his family. They are welcomed and they start to talk about the wedding. Riswan summons Mable and introduces the suitor," my child, this is Aryan,the suitor I talked to you about and this is Mr and Mrs Brown his parents, so tell us what you think of him and if you approve of the marriage "

Mable looks at her father, mother, aunt,Tony and Kel then gives her answer,"I think he is a good man and I approve of the marriage "

Everyone is shocked by this decision, which leaves Kel devastated, a tear drops from his eye but he wipes it quickly and goes upstairs with his mother following him,he asks her to pack her things so they will go back to their village. Two minutes after the guests leave,Tony and his mother come downstairs, bid everyone goodbye and leave the house. Mable goes to her room to distract herself when Tony's walks in and starts to shout at her, " you know you are full of surprises,just yesterday you were talking about how every girl is free to choose whom she wants to marry but you are an exception I am so disappointed in you and I can't believe you are the lioness you claim to be!"

Mable explains everything to her brother, "what's the use of arguing with my father when he won't change his mind or reconsider his decision tell me Tony!"

Tony who sees no point in arguing with his sister leaves.

A week later, it is finally Tony's wedding day everything goes well and Tony with his new wife leave for their honeymoon after the wedding and the family send them off. Riswan tells Mable her wedding will be four days time. Kel manages to find Aryans house. He grabs Aryan by the collar and starts to warn him,"you stay away from my fiancée or else you will regret ever crossing my path"

Aryan is however not intimated,"your threats don't scare me, I will marry her come what may, she is special and no man will want such a bold and strong woman slip off his hands"

Kel calls Tony to congratulate him and asks for advice,Tony tells him not to give up and take what rightfully belongs to him.

On the wedding day, the guests are at the house as well as Aryan and his family. Salma go to bring Mable downstairs. Upon getting ready Mable is waiting even though she is sad and broken. When Salma enters the room, the lights go out,two minutes after, the lights go on again but Mable is no longer in the room.

What could have gone wrong this time.

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