
Book 4 : Chapter 55

It was hard to think with the panic screaming inside my head. Thoughts flooded into my mind in their thousands, charging aimlessly around, blockading my reason, making it near impossible to think straight.

Andrea was right there and in his hand the weapon that could potentially kill somebody I love. But I was frozen right beside him, paralyzed by the fear.

Pull yourself together Ella. A little voice in my head hissed. She sounded a lot like me but a version of myself I had lost weeks ago. You're stronger than this. Don't you dare let a man make you feel weak.

To hear the sharp, assured tone of her voice was refreshing. Somewhere, although deep inside, she was still there.

And she was right. What had become of me?

At that moment I felt the powerful effect of my own persuasion or maybe simply just a surge of adrenaline. Either way, it brought me to my feet and to turning to the forest.
