
March on, recruits

"Why are you so cheerful all the time, Ghost? There's total chaos out there. People might be dying," I grumbled at him as we walked up the stairs. The man's positive attitude was a significant source of annoyance when my own mood was somewhere at the point of "cold terror".

But since annoyance was better than that, I embraced it with gratitude. That gratitude, though, didn't extend to the Ghost.

"That's just how I am nowadays." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Just no bad feelings. I think, maybe I even made it to myself on purpose, you know? Elder made me consult with psychologists when she realised, but they told me I have all the good judgement despite all that. Like now. I know we have to put that demon away, and I wish I knew how."

Damn, and now I felt bad about being insensitive. A bit better when I realised that if what Ghost said was true, then he was physically impossible to offend. His smile still irked me, but I refused to lay it on him anymore.

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