
Another Date With Summer

"Uhh, sure, let's spend some time together." Summer responded.

"It's a date then! I'll let you get all prettied up. I'll be back in about half an hour." Gojo kissed her lips and teleported away.

Of course, he spent his time finding a place for the date.

'I really need to start planning better.' He grinned to himself. This isn't the first time he had proposed a date without knowing a destination and it most likely wouldn't be the last.

Within but 10 minutes, he had found a suitable date location, a movie theatre, a classic for dates. To be honest, he should've brought her here first and the fancy restaurant second, but he felt that Summer valued the time they spent together more than where they spent it.

Regardless, he still had 20 mins left, and he didn't have anything else to do. Therefore, he bought a map of the world off some street vendor and figured out where Atlas was located.

To his annoyance, it was on a completely different continent.

The only way he saw himself getting there was through a Bullhead. Which would be difficult considering he wasn't exactly a prominent figure with a bunch of money and fame.

Gojo decided to put off the issue for now and teleported back to his room where Summer had just finished getting prepared.

"Good to go?" He spoke after giving her a peck on the lips.

"Mhmm." She replied with a smile.

Gojo didn't hesitate in pinching her ass and initiating the transformation. Although she felt a shock go up her spine, Summer didn't get angry in the slightest. In fact, she returned with a pinch on his ass.

Not exactly something he'd ever experienced, but at the very least, it showed that Summer was returning his interest.

Regardless, they bought some popcorn, some drinks and made their way into the theatre.

After fucking Ghislaine in front of Summer in the morning, he asked for some cash as he didn't want to have to teleport out when being asked to pay. He was prepared to do that at the restaurant because of the absurd prices, but not here. His very flimsy morals prevented that.

Summer picked out a drama/ romance/ action movie. It depicted a distraught mother searching for her children while kicking ass and falling in love along the way. He looked at her through his blindfold and she simply looked away with a small blush.

"Nice choice." Gojo grabbed her hand and pulled her into the cinema.

The two of them found themselves on the very back seats. Gojo didn't hesitate in raising the cup holder that separated the two and lying his arm on her waist. Summer flinched for a second before leaning into the hug as the movie started.

Except it didn't. There were about 10 minutes of ads.

In order to pass the time, Gojo began messaging Summer's body. He didn't do anything too perverted, only massaging her thighs, waist, shoulders and such. He didn't want to waste the date by making the two of them horny, so he didn't grab her ass or slip his hand under her shirt to play with her tits.

She wasn't shy about the fact that she enjoyed the attention. Summer pecked Gojo on the lips before lying on his lap while waiting for the movie to start.

The next 5 minutes passed with the both of them simply enjoying each other's heat.

Unfortunately, the movie soon started. Summer rose from his lap and hugged his arm for the rest of the movie.

The film wasn't a masterpiece by any standard but it was definitely something Summer could relate to, she had felt the same pain of losing her kids like the main character did, she had felt the same warmth in her heart when being saved like the main character had.

Unfortunately, that's about where her relatability ended. The movie showed the main character's full story while Summer's was still in progress.

The large screen showed the main character reuniting with her kids. Almost none of the audience where crying as the producers were hoping for, but Summer definitely was. She inserted herself into the main character with Yang and Ruby as the children the main character reunited with and couldn't help but cry her heart out.

All the while, Gojo pulled her further into a hug.

"You'll get your happy ending soon enough." He spoke.

Summer simply nodded while trying to smile and stop her tears. It didn't take long for her crying/ happy expression to turn into a determined one.

The next scene depicted the main character furiously making out with her new husband. It felt like whiplash, going from an emotional scene to making out furiously with neither being connected. However, it didn't stop Summer from sucking face with Gojo.

She went from crying, to determined, to making out in a very short amount of time. Perhaps this is part of her determination?

Regardless, Gojo pulled her onto his lap as they continued to entwine their tongues taste each other's saliva.

The movie ended after the make out scene and the credits rolled. The lights turned on and the audience began to leave.

However, by the time the lights had returned, Gojo had already teleported Summer back to his bedroom.

He didn't hesitate in stripping down to his underwear which Summer immediately followed. They both took a second to scan the other.

Summer saw a perfectly sculptured man with beautiful white hair and the best-looking eyes possible. She also lowered her vision to find his underwear hardly containing his massive dick. In fact, it was so large that it was somewhat lifting the underwear off of him. What should've been attached to his waist was hovered just a few centimeters off of it, which allowed Summer to spot the start of his shaft.

Gojo on the other hand got a treat just as magnificent. He saw a MILF taking her clothes off to reveal white lingerie which hardly covered her nipples or pussy. Her skin was without blemishes entirely and her curves left nothing to be desired. She was skinny where she should be and thick were she needed to be. Her tits weren't nearly as massive as Ghislaine, but it was the perfect size to hold in your hand and her backside left little to be desired. Her panties were getting visibly damp as she scanned him.

The two of them stood in the dark room, only in their underwear to hide their desire of one another.

Gojo pulled her onto the bed with him. He began making out with her with even more ferocity than what he showed in the cinema with Summer reciprocating.

He grinded his genitals against hers through the fabric as the continued to kiss and grope each other.

Summer was in heaven with how good she felt. This was the exact moment she felt the most grateful about her life. She would later come to hate herself for this thought as she was still absent from her children, but she had never felt so good in her life.

Gojo activated Geass – Mao.

'I love this... I've never... felt this way before... Is this what love is supposed to be?' She thought to herself while continually drinking as much of his saliva as possible.

'I can't get enough of this. What will become of me if I get the chance to feel this every day?' Her tightened in anticipation which Gojo could feel.

'I can't lie to myself anymore. I love him. I want him. I want him to pull that hard cock out of his pants and give me some more children to take care of. But at the same time, I want him to just lie down with me and hold me in his arms...' Summer's mind was giving mixed signals to the extreme. Unfortunately, the Geass wore off, so he wasn't able to hear her conclusion on what she wanted.

Therefore, he simply retreated from the kiss for a second. Summer was visibly disappointed but seeing what happened next made her the happiest and most embarrassed MILF in the world.

Gojo stripped himself of his underwear and allowed his erect cock to show itself. Summer didn't hesitate in getting closer to it, despite her furious blushing. She smelt the pre-cum that covered his dick while worshipping its size.

She almost took back her previous words about getting fucked by this as she didn't even know if she could stretch to that size. Her previous lover was less than gifted after all.

"What do you want?" Gojo asked. Summer stopped staring at his cock and instead looked him straight in his eyes. Her chin was still resting on his shaft.

"I don't know... This is the first time I've ever felt like this... I don't know if I want you in me, or if I want us to continue kissing while humping each other..." Summer spoke.

"How about both?"

I have 10 advanced chapters on my pat reon.

https://www.pat reon.com/BillNyeTheHentaiGuy

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