
Accidents Happen

There were two drips. One in my arm and another in my spinal cord. One of them was fed with a cocktail of drugs which put me under. I wasn't sure if it was pain killers or I was just pain dead, but I couldn't feel a thing. They probably could've kept me conscious through the whole procedure.

I don't know what other people experience, but in the past, I just went black and felt like I came to a minute later. But this time, this time I had some freaky dreams.

I saw an old Chinese man and he was sitting on a cloud big enough to pass for a bean bag. 

"Hey," I said.

He had a long thin pipe in one hand which lay across his lap. He looked up and peered at me. The cloud turned and he began to fly away.

"Rude bastard," I said. It was my dream, so I decided to fly and follow him. I fell at first until I yelled, "It's my dream I'll fucking fly if I want to." And then the dream bent to my will.

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