
Full Assault - 2

Their master needed to learn that what he was doing was not right and if he was incapable of learning this, then he needed to be put down permanently without any second thought. If it fell to Keito to make this possible, then make it possible he will. 

After all, this was his world with his rules and his expectations. He had to make sure he did not betray them to himself or the others in this world. His mind raced with various emotions and questions he needed to be answered but most importantly of all, there seemed to be something wrong still in the air.

The base in the clouds was still the same as the day he had last seen it, beautiful but it was no longer in flames and much more welcoming than before. Was it because he was not an intruder this time or had the place naturally lost its charm with time? Whatever the reason, it made Mark nervous.

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