
Joining the rebellion part 1

"Hard at work, I see. But I'm afraid to tell you officer that you won't find anything of value here. After all, we are not people who take unnecessary risks with our meagre lives. You stripped us of that right after all" coming from that handsome and charismatic face, it could very well be a compliment.

But the hollow tone along with the wording made it clear that it was an insult for all intent and purposes. 

Mark looked at the man curiously and the man noticed it too. Starting back at him were those electric blue eyes, sharp and unafraid - the gaze of a clear criminal who had been to jail far too many times.

The person was also considerably older than him, almost in his early thirties but still supporting a fit build. Mark could only tell that with how the other was holding himself and his identity which he had guessed out already.

This was one of the likely leaders of the rebellions, no doubt about it.

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