
Colonizing other Planets is not always cruelty

Ickapoo the alien colonizes humans to spread his Alien love. But colonizing Others is not always cruelty. It may be a form of discipline and training.

Things Fall Apart is a novel about the destruction of a native culture, religion and language by the onslaught of colonialism. The novel questions the premises of colonialism, such as the superiority of Western religion and language by depicting the ruin it has on Onkwonkwo, who is driven to despair and suicide by the effects upon his culture the Christian missionaries bring about, which is a dilution of his native identity and religion. At the heart of Things Fall Apart is a question of how native identity is brought to ruin by Western civilisation, and it is a novel that mourns the loss of native, tribal and clan identity when the homogenizing effects of Westernizing civilisation takes place.

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