
Chapter 154: Careful Plan

The wailing of creatures from the dark echoed in the dark side of Mars as the Worshipers of Yog-Soggoth alongside the Black Goats of Sub-Niggurath stood in front of a black obelisk made from the stones of Yuggoth, the planet just near the end of the Sol System, where the Fourth Offspring of Azathoth resides... Cxaxukluth or Ksaksa-Kluth, the Eldritch Deity with the title of Illimitable Androgynous Desire said to be stronger than Nyarlathotep, the Darkness (Which birthed Shub-Niggurath) and the Nameless Mist (which birthed Yog-Soggoth). Bearing the pronoun he/him by the Necronomicon under the hands of several humans, this Eldritch Deity has a certain taste for flesh- More specifically, it's own children's flesh, which led him to eating most of his offspring, but not Hziulquoigmnzhah, also known as Ziulquaz-Manzah, Ghizguth (also known as The Sound in the Deep Waters), and Cthulhu, the most famous Great Old One.

Ghizguth went on to mate with Zstylzhemghi (also knwon as the Matriarch of the Swarm), and from them was born another famous Eldritch god: Tsathoggua, also known as the Sleeper of N'kai.

And with the help of the Deep Ones and the Mi-Gos, who are at the ready to bring Ksaksa-Kluth from his prison on Yuggoth, the planet that was destroyed by Chaos after the death of Yahweh and now only exists within the endless Void Between Worlds, where many things that were once lost can be found. A place full of energy that only the most crazy Gods dare to go- Where only the truly desperate go, and is one of the easiest places to live if you know how. One way to give Ksaksa-Kluth his their body back is to fuse Yeb and Nug again- Which is why the Black Goats, worshipers of Shub-Niggurath are here, to bring forth the offspring of Shub-Niggurath and fused them two back together to form the androgenus body of Cxaxukluth.

However, one of the Great Old Ones did not wish for it to come back- Neither did it wish for Azathoth to come and destroy the world, for it lived among mortals, as one of them. An entity known to be the most knowledged on magic among Great Old Ones- Juk-Shabb, or the God of Yakub, but mostly known to mortals as Merlin, the Wizard. It's physical form, while not in humanood form, that is, is of a white sphere of sentient energy that can change it's color at will to communicate, and also use telepathy to increase the understading of speech between the two parties conversing. Why did Juk-Shabb did not want Azathoth to come to the universe? Because if Azathoth entered the universe, the universe would cease to exist as it was, so therefore, no more magic! and if there's one thing that Juk-Shabb loves to do is use magic for everything.

He was a complete magic junkie.

So he decided to stop what they were about to do, the ritual that they would sacrifice a soul with a deep connection to the night in order to call the reluctant Tsathoggua- who is also known as Father of the NIght, which explains his deep connection to the night and why ENychta Astérie's soul was necessary to complete this ritual. Tsathoggua did not want to cooperate, but with this ritual they would be able to bring him against his will, so he could then call Yeb and Nug (also known as the Twin Blasphemies) from their prisons within the night sky, where they were locked away by a joint effort between Chaos and Nyx, and now they are trying to undo the seal and bring them here, so they can then force both to fuse and create the perfect body for Cxaxukluth so they can then bring back Yuggoth, the star that was banished to the Void Between Worlds, and then bring back Cxaxukluth from the "dead"- since Eldritch beings cannot really die, the can stop from existing in one reality, but they'll exist in another one.

Such a complicated plan to be one step closer on bringing down the barrier keeping Azathoth out- which is going to fall, regardless, it's bound to happen and it cannot be stopped, the very existence of Enis, child of Erebus and Lilith already is enough to bring the unavoidable end. (Erebus fucked up real bad.)

But they didn't count on Enychta AStérie being the protegonist of this nove- just kidding, they did not count on Enychta Astérie being not only watched over by Chaos, but also be Fateless, a rare creature that is out of the hands of Fate, his very existence is almost impossible to happen on lower beings, unless he was a Conceptual God, but no, he's only a Minor God! And he has been outside of fate's control ever since his birth, which is an anomaly on itself. A chaotic anomaly, that attracted a very peculiar item that contains pure Chaos inside.

The Chaos Box wanted him as a host ever since his birth, and now?

Now it is waiting for the final piece of the puzzle to be brought in the game, the final step to be made.

Which is going to happen soon.

-Scene Cut-

"gher'mlin Herga-kj. Luytbvg, Hikl, Hikl, Hikl!" The Goat-Like person with a giant pair of horns on it's head chanted as he slammed his bloodied fist upon the orb that was in the base of the dark obelisk, that orb was a mind, or at least the bigger shard of a mind, being slowly corrupted into pure negative energy, to call Tsathoggua, who absolutely loves dark energy that has a connection to the night, and such a soul that has a great connection to the night, suffering in pain, was enough to call him upon the dark side of mars.

The giant, fat, feline-like creature simply appeared out of nowhere, landing on the surface of mars, only to be trapped by a large circle of red and green blood, followed by the black blood of Enis, the child of the Primordial Greek God of the Darkness and the Daughter of Nyarlathotep was enough to stop this beast from escaping them. "Tsathoggua, Kleri'or Previriv!" Called out all of the cultists there at teh same time, making the cat-like being shutter in panic, knowing it was caught.

But then, fire burned down every single one of the cultists as LUcifer smiled down at them all, Enychta's body acted like a mindless beast and rushed forward, his objective? The same one who has his self locked away suffering, the one he needs to eat.
