
Xing Xing, Where are You?

As Qiu Ling Yi walked down the stairs in her pretty dress, Song Xing Xing took this chance to escape her brother and joined her friends to congratulate her friends for their engagement. The group of friends began to reminisce about their high school and spoke about how they had not expected that the couple would end up together.

Song Xing Xing watched how Qiu Ling Yi was holding on to her fiance's arm tightly and heaved a heavy breath. Looking at the couple together made her a little jealous.

It has been a few days since the last time she saw her boyfriend. Song Xing Xing found that she was missing him terribly.

They say that absence makes the heart grew fonder. It seemed that it was indeed the truth.

As she sat in the corner, Song Xing Xing picked up the champagne glass and took a sip. Seeing that everyone was focusing on the newly engaged couple, Song Xing Xing went to the corner and took out her phone.

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