
Chapter 15

When your lover is gone and the only person you ever really called family turns out to stab you in the back, is there anything worth living for. Especially when you're the reason your lover was no longer around. And while everyone got to forget, as the god of time, time would never let you. It was the curse that came with the job, being forced to remember it all. It was sad, it was tough, it was pure agony, bringing her face to the forefront of his thoughts. But he couldn't let himself forget her tears and sadness when she saw what he did. But it wasn't his fault, he just had to do something to ensure that he gets a chance against his sister.

His sister, he loved her so very much that the news of her betrayal stabbed and hurt so badly. He couldn't believe that she would do it to him and the fact that she did meant she had spat on their bond, made it mean nothing. Closing her doors on him and not talking to him or explaining had made the matters worse. Now all the saw, all he wanted was her head on a spike and him bathing in her blood for as long as he wanted.

He knew no one would take him seriously, they were probably laughing behind his back at his declaration of war but he had to do it. The only reason to ever fight his sister and hope for peace was now dead, stabbed by him and forever would her blood on his hands scream in agony. He wasn't meant to blame another god for his actions, he knew that but without thinking through his head and with his heart, all he could do was blame others for his own action. Kind of like a human.

Laiithu could not believe his luck, going against the runt of the pack so soon after everything that had happened. Even if he couldn't remember who he had fought initially, he felt that they were powerful. Going from a powerful foe to a powerless twig was such a blow to his pride, he couldn't help but weep.

He had known what he was talking about initially during the meeting. How could he not remember? All those times he had made fun of him, called him to speak louder or purposely destroyed his sanctuary. Yeah those were good times, really great times. Sadly, the other party in the joke seemed to think he was messing with him and it was never received as well as he had hoped. To be honest, he wasn't that worried about the fight. What was the worst Kasali could ever do to him? He had to use memories to fight Lovina! Easy Lovina was so difficult for him.

And yes, I know you would say it was because of the memories, the bond and all that romantic stuff that was between them but the truth and fact was that, he wasn't strong enough to take her on, so he resorted to cheap tricks and sadly she fell for it.

Laiithu spent the remaining time laughing and lounging with other gods. When asked about his training regime, he laughed and asked 'what should I train for? What is the worst he could do?' he was enjoying himself, that much could be seen but one could hope that his partying wouldn't land him in trouble.

Anthuina felt so lonely but it was her fault. She had blocked everyone from coming into her domain and after a while, they stopped trying. She knew it was going to happen, after all that was what they did when she had lost her baby and was all alone. Sure, they had shown some care in the first few moons, but after a while they stopped coming, asking about my health and moved on with theirs.

It hurt that I couldn't count on their continued support, it hurt that my brother soon found someone to love and look after, it was a stab in my heart when I knew that all I had left from my happy time on earth would just be my memories. I had tried so hard to recreate my child but every single time I did, it ended in disaster. One would think that with me being related to childbirth, I'll know a few tips and tricks.

But no matter how much I tried or cried, my baby, my son could no longer be made into this world. Most would hate me for deceiving my brother and my family into launching an all-out war but who did I deceive? I spoke to Kiluaroth in what he had thought was secret about my wish for vengeance, also baited Lovina into being abused by humans and I might have maybe done something to Bathra but did I really deceive them. All I wanted was revenge and they went along with my need and turned it into something else.

I enjoyed the rage and terror, I wouldn't lie but I still don't get, who did I deceive?

They stood tall, in regal armor that clinched and molded itself around their frames. While Kasali was qit was both an intimidation trick as well as to make himself look good before everyone who was watching but it wasn't necessary. There was only one way it was going to end, Laiithu killing him but the only surprise would be how.

They looked at each other from head to toe, the moderator made them shake each other and the game was set. Nobody knew the game play, what would happen or what to expect so our anticipation was at all-time high, eyes darting from one to the other and our hearts pounding. Soon a few gods, minor ones vanished from their seats and even I before we appeared in the middle of the field. A few stools appeared with what looked like the chair of my father in the middle. We dropped in the various stools with me in the chair.

A few exclaimed, some protested and tried to remove themselves but a heated gaze from Kasali shut our mouths and we stayed quiet. There was no change in the field or stances and we all watched with our breaths caught in our throats. 'I know this is not what any of us would expect. Rather it seems strange but Laiithu has graciously allowed me, the underdog a chance at deciding what the mode would be. I thought and have finally decided to have a judging battle. Where all the lies, misdeeds and everything hidden under the sun would be brought into the light. I have also carefully selected those who would pronounce the faith of the two of us. Without further ado, may the challenge begin.'

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