This bonus chapter Is dedicated to the Reader DespinaNY for gifting Dragon to the Novel.
She hurried inside that chamber and found herself surrounded by shelves filled with old tattered books. It reminded her of the abandoned archive of ancient history books in the royal library. Now the question was which book was the one that she needed, but to her surprise, a certain book kept on top of a reading stand opened on its own and flipped its pages as if beckoning her to come closer.
It was as if this chamber and this book knew exactly why she was there.
The moment she saw the words on the paper, her heart skipped a beat.
The words "The Devil's Curse" were written on top of the page.
Esther went through the book without hesitation.
The page started with a brief narration explaining what the Devil's Curse was all about, which was something she already knew, and then it proceeded about the way to lift the curse.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: