
Rare Species

Drayce respectfully gestured to Cian to have a seat. Cian sat on the chair placed on the right side of the square-shaped wooden table, opposite to where Arlan was seated. Both princes sat facing each other, one on the Drayce's left side while the other one was on the right side.

One could not see what Cian was thinking as he spoke to Drayce, "I hope I am not disturbing King Drayce and Prince Arlan from important matters."

Drayce merely looked back at Cian. "May I know the reason for Prince Cian's visit?"

"I am here to get answers to a few questions from King Drayce," Cian replied, getting directly to the point.

"I hope it will only be solved by talking and not fighting," Arlan commented, and the other two turned towards him. Arlan cleared his throat and said, not minding their glares, "Please continue!"

Drayce and Cian ignored him and looked at each other once more.


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