
One Night War - Epilogue

As the morning star began to rise on the dry, humid desert that stretched as far as the eye could see, the destination sought out by the golden-furred monkey was finally reached. 

The sable castle that took on a unique architectural structure; a sleek form without any seeming windows, standing tall and thin like a tower, but in reality, its width was harrowingly large. Climbing a small hill to reach the entrance of this massive structure, the toll of this final act proved itself in full as the monkey dropped the unconscious man in front of the door before keeling over. 

With a knock that used the residual strength left in its body, the monkey hit the door to make its presence known. 

As the door was opened, a pair of men dressed in uniforms as pale as the clouds vacant in this region showed up with swords in hand. 

"...Whose there? Oh...that's Fai Meng, isn't it?"

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