
Bit of rest

Ollie yawned as he opened his eyes, and he looked up at the sky, it was still dark, he had woken up way too early, well there was no way that he was going to sleep now, he was the type of person who woke up and stayed awake, there was no point of going back to sleep, that would just be laziness.

Ollie got out of his sleeping bag, he had to say that this was not all that bad, for once he finally got to sleep under the stars, back home, he was not allowed to do any thing of that sort.

Ollie stood up as he saw Annie was still sleeping soundly, it made him smile, and he saw that Maddie was still sleeping as well, which was a relief to him, because quite frankly, she scared him a lot.

Ollie noticed that Matt's sleeping bag was empty, so he looked around, and he saw Matt walking back not too far away, so he walked to join him.

"Good Morning Matt" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Lower, your voice, and good morning" said Matt as he whispered.

"Oh sorry" said Ollie as he whispered back.

"Wait, why are we whispering?" asked Ollie.

"Well the girls are still sleeping, I don't want to wake them up" said Matt as he placed the firewood he had gotten on the ground as Ollie helped him sift through them.

"Ahh… but I mean, Annie did say that we need to wake up early" said Ollie.

"Well sure, that may be true, but not right now, let them sleep, they slept late last night" said Matt as he had heard everything Annie and Maddie spoke about yesterday night, he didn't say anything because he could tell that Annie just felt so bad, and she did not need him at that moment, because Maddie was there with her.

And Matt agreed with Maddie, nothing was Annie's fault, not at all, if anyone was the victim here, it would be Annie.

"Why? Didn't they go to bed the same time as we did?" asked Ollie as he looked at Matt.

"They were talking" said Matt.

"About what?" asked Ollie.

"I can't tell you, it's private" said Matt as he wondered why Ollie was so nosy.

"Well how come you can know? You were obviously eavesdropping on them" said Ollie.

"Not by choice you should add" said Matt.

"They were whispering, and when people whisper, my ears tend to pick up the lower frequencies, I would not have listening if I could" said Matt as that was one of the downsides of him having super hearing, it could not be turned off, and that caused him to hear things that he did not even want to hear.

The only time he could get a bit of rest, was when he was sleeping, he could not hear anything at all.

"Alright fine" said Ollie.

"Do you know if Curtis is awake yet?" asked Ollie as he changed the subject.

"Yes, he's awake, although I woke up before him" said Matt.

"Where Is he?" asked Ollie.

"He went to the stream" said Matt as he was sure that he did not have to explain why.

"You didn't go with him?" asked Ollie as he knew just how protective Annie was of Curtis, and if she heard that he was all alone, she would get upset.

"Well I did go with him, but he wanted to be alone, and he asked me to leave, so I left, but he should be back soon" said Matt.

"You better hope that he comes back soon, because if Annie wakes up and she doesn't see him here, she will be very upset" said Ollie.

"Well I kind of get Curtis, he doesn't want us seeing him like this, especially Annie" said Matt.

"Well he needs to realize that she only cares for him, and all she wants is for him to be okay" said Ollie.

"I know, but Curtis is hard to convince sometimes" said Matt.

"I am starting to see that" said Ollie.

"But I mean, it's not fair from him at act that way, after all, he only has 39 days left" said Ollie as that was the truth.

"You started counting down?" asked Matt.

"Of course I did, so that way we know exactly how much time we have left" said Ollie as Matt found that very weird, Ollie was a very weird person.

"Hmm" said Matt as Ollie saw Curtis walking back, he looked fine, or at least he thought that he did.

"Anyway, I think that we should wake up the girls now" said Ollie.

"Annie will be upset if she finds out that we woke up earlier and we did not tell her" said Ollie.

"Alright fine, I think that you are right" said Matt as he had to agree with Ollie, Annie had been very serious since what happened yesterday.

"I'm going to wake her up" said Ollie.

"Alright then" said Matt as he would focus on making the fire.

Ollie smiled as he walked to where Annie was and he bent down beside her as he woke her up gently.

"Annie…" called Ollie as he smiled and he tried to wake her up as Annie furrowed her brows.

"Annie" called Ollie once again as Annie opened her eyes and she yawned.

"Good Morning sleepy head" said Ollie as he laughed, he found the way she woke up cute, she looked like a little hamster right now.

"Good Morning" said Annie as she rubbed her eyes.

"What time is it?" asked Annie.

"I have no idea, maybe 7am" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Where is Curtis?" asked Annie.

"Over there" said Ollie as he pointed to where Curtis was sitting.

"Is he alright? Did he have another episode?" asked Annie as she sat up straight.

"Well he is fine, and I don't think that he had another serious episode" said Ollie as he did not want to get Annie worried so early in the morning.

"Okay" said Annie.

"Annie, I need you to wake up Maddie, I would be dead if I tried to do it" said Ollie as he knew better than to try to wake up Maddie, if she was a beast when she was awake, then when she was grouchy, she would actually kill him.

"Hmm, don't say that, Maddie wouldn't kill you" said Annie as she rubbed her eyes.

"She would only punch you" said Annie.

"And that is why you are the only one who can do it, anyway, I'm out of here, I don't want to be here when she wakes up" said Ollie as he knew just how crazy Maddie was, so he quickly stood up and he walked away.

"Maddie, Maddie, wake up" said Annie as she woke Maddie up.

"Hey, isn't it too early to wake up?" asked Maddie as she woke up and she rubbed her eyes.

"It is, but we can't waste any more time" said Annie as she got out of her sleeping back.

"Oh alright" said Maddie as she groaned and Annie walked to where Curtis was.

"Curtis, do you feel okay?" asked Annie.

"I'm fine Annie" replied Curtis as he was expecting this from her.

"Are you sure? You look tired" said Annie.

"I'm fine Annie" said Curtis as he tried to assure her that he was fine, surprisingly enough, he did not bleed as much as he used to, which was a surprise.

"Did you get a nosebleed again?" asked Annie.

"Only a minor one" said Curtis as Annie shook her head, she did not trust what Curtis called minor, he always liked to down actually important things, and that was very dangerous.

"Mhmm, minor as in?" asked Annie as she knew that she had to be more specific.

"It was not as serious as the last time, I only bled a few times, nothing serious Annie" said Curtis as he explained.

"Alright, alright, fine Curtis, I believe you" said Annie as she narrowed her eyes at Curtis.

"And did you couch again?" asked Annie.

"No, I didn't cough" said Curtis as he replied, he hated being interrogated like a little child.

"Alright" said Annie.

"Good Morning Maddie" said Matt as Maddie walked towards him.

"Hmm Morning" said Maddie as she replied and she yawned as she looked at Ollie.

"You can't say good morning?" asked Maddie in annoyance as she looked at Ollie.

"I wanted you to be very calm first before I speak to you, but it seems that you are, Good morning Maddie" said Ollie as he smiled and Maddie scoffed at him.

"Everyone, we are leaving soon, right after breakfast" said Annie.

"Alright" said Matt and Ollie.

"Well that's my cue" said Maddie as she wondered when her role became the one who cooked, it was annoying… but she had to say that she did like doing it… only a tiny bit.

"I can help" said Ollie as he smiled.

"No Blondie, just stay put" said Maddie as she just smiled at him and she walked away, making him wonder what she thought of him.

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