
So tiring

"So, what is our plan Maddie?" asked Ollie as he smiled and he helped Annie lift her tent.

"You sure do like plans blondie" said Maddie as she scoffed at Ollie.

"Well yes, without plans, civilization would not be present or be where we are today, a plan is an outline of what you incline to achieve, and well without a plan, you would just walk around and use your life aimlessly" said Ollie seriously.

"I did not ask for a speech blondie" said Maddie as she shook her head, he really was a Prince, with the way he could make an annoying, boring speech within seconds, she was tired of hearing his voice.

"I did not give a speech, that was just a simple explanation of why I believe that plans are essential in everything you do" said Ollie.

"If I was to give a speech, it would be way longer, with more words, and more points for me to emphasise on, in order to throw my point across to those that are listening to me" said Ollie as Maddie's face contorted and Annie could not help but laugh, Maddie was wondering if this annoying blondie Prince ever got tired of talking, he spoke way too much.

"Hey, wise guy, just stop talking" said Maddie as she shook her head.

"As you wish, although…" said Ollie as he was cut off by Maddie who sounded annoyed.

"The plan is that you leave me and Annie alone to set up our own tents, while you go very far away and set up your own tent" said Maddie.

"Maddie…" called Annie.

"Alright, okay fine don't go very far away, just go far away" said Maddie as Annie shot her another, you cannot still be serious kind of look.

"Fine, just stay nearby, and Annie that is the best I can do" said Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"Alright fine, I can take that" said Annie as she sighed, she knew that Maddie was being serious about that being the best she could do, well at least Maddie did try… in a way to be nicer to Ollie, but it would take some time… a lot of time.

"Okay then, if you need help, you know who to call" said Ollie as he smiled.

"We won't" said Maddie as she smiled back at him.

"Hey, wait, won't we set up Matt's and Curtis' tents as well?" asked Ollie as he suddenly remembered.

"Ahh yes, I forgot, we will have to" said Annie as she looked at Ollie and she agreed with him, that had totally skipped her mind.

"Okay, alright then" said Maddie as she was thinking of an amendment of her plan.

"You are right Annie, we have to set up their tents, even though Matt has been a jerk as of late, but… we need to be good" said Maddie as if it was up to her, she would have just left Matt's tent in its bag, but she knew that Annie would call her mean for doing that, so she just had to be nice.

"Okay so blondie, you set up your tent and Curtis's tent" said Maddie.

"While me and Annie set up our tents, as well as Matt's tent" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Alright" Ollie as he smiled.

"Good" said Maddie.

"Now Annie, let's get these tents set up" said Maddie as she turned to look at Annie as she smiled.

"Okay" said Annie as she smiled, she was happy that Maddie was back to being Maddie.

"You know what, this is so tiring, I do not expect us to do this every single day" said Maddie as she sighed and she shook her head, they had been here all afternoon, the sun was starting to

set, and they had been here, setting the tents all afternoon, she was tired.

"I have to agree" said Annie as she shook her head.

"Hey, where are Curtis and Matt? Don't you think that they have been gone for a long time now?" asked Ollie as he stood up, he was done with his own tent and Curtis' tent, which was lucky for him, seeing as he used the setting instructions.

"Hey that's true, I didn't even notice" said Maddie as she sighed.

"Maybe they got lost" said Ollie.

"No, they can't get lost, not with Matt there, he can just use his hearing to find us" said Annie as she tied a rope and she stood up.

"Yeah Annie's right, but I do wonder what is taking them so long, they should be back by no" said Maddie.

"Are you guys done yet?" asked Curtis as he and Matt walked back with some wood.

"Curtis, we were just talking about you" said Annie as she turned to look at Curtis and she smiled, what a coincidence.

"What took you guys so long?" asked Maddie as she looked at Curtis and Matt as Matt put down the wood and he started to make a fire.

"We checked around the area, there is a stream nearby" said Curtis.

"Well I guess that solves our freshwater problem" said Maddie as she smiled, at least now she did not have to hunger about them dying from thirst, that was really a huge concern on her mind.

"Yes, anyway, I will make dinner" said Curtis as he knew that Maddie, Annie and Ollie were all tired from being here all day.

"While I finish setting up this tent of yours Curtis" said Maddie as she sighed.

"Mhmm" said Curtis as he walked to his bag, he knew just how loud Maddie could get, and before this escalated into another argument about his leadership skills, he would leave her to focus on what she was doing.

"Hey Matt, me and Annie set up your tent for you, say thank you" said Maddie as she looked at Matt and she shouted at him, even though he could hear her clearly from where he was.

"Thank you" replied Matt as he focused on what he was doing.

Annie looked at Maddie, and Maddie just have her a smile that read "He will get over it soon enough" and Annie hoped so, she really hoped that he would.

"*Sigh*" said Annie as she opened her eyes.

Annie could not sleep, not at all, her mind was raging, with so many different thoughts, and well she was just tired… tired of everything.

She could not help but blame herself for everything that was happening, she was to blame, if only she had not exchanged her powers to bring Curtis back, then none of this would have happened, and things would have been different.

Maybe there would have been another way for her to bring back Curtis, if only she had not lived in the moment, and just try everything to bring Curtis back, sure she did not know that the revive spell would end her up like this, but she could not help but feel a little built of guilt.

She had no doubt in her mind that she did the right thing, but it was just so far, too hard, she knew she did the right thing, but the consequences of what she did were not easy to bear at all, they just made her feel so bad, as if she had done something wrong when all she did was to bring back her best friend.

She was guilty, she felt like everyone was out here, silently suffering because of her, even Curtis was silently suffering because of what she did, even though he did not show it at all, he was, and that hurt her.

She was supposed to defeat Azazel, to put an end to him once and for all, but she could not do that one, simple task, the one thing everyone expected from her, he had gone scot free.

Annie knew that Curtis did not mention Azazel at all simply because he did not want to worry her, or to make her feel bad, but even if he didn't say it, she still felt bad, she felt like a failure, why was her life like this?

And now, they had to go and find a way to get her powers back because she still needed them to defeat Azazel, the thought was just scary… that she was useless and hopeless right now, and it made her feel so terrible.

And then there was Matt… she did not know why he was so cold to her, he did not speak to her, he did not even look at her unless it was absolutely necessary, it made her feel even worse, she was endangering the lives of her friends, and everyone she loved.

"*Sigh*, I really hope that Caligo will be able to restore my powers" said Annie to herself as she sighed, she was just so tired.

She really wished that them going to Caligo was not in vain, because If it was… she would lose all hope.

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