

Maddie put out the fire after everyone was done with their breakfast, and Curtis followed her to help her wash all the dishes in the stream, while Matt went to start taking down the tents and packing them back into their bags, which left Annie and Ollie doing nothing at all as everyone worked.

"I feel so bad just sitting here while everyone is doing something" said Annie as she looked at Ollie.

"Well I cannot complain, but you don't need to feel bad Maddie, everyone insisted that you stay put, and I agree with them" said Ollie as he smiled at Annie.

"I know, but I still feel bad that I can't help, because you all won't allow me to" said Annie as she sighed.

"It's for your own good Annie" said Ollie as he smiled.

"But regardless, I get you, I hate being idle as well" said Ollie as he laughed, and right now he was very idle, and it was not by choice, it was because Maddie and Matt did not trust him, and well they did not want him doing anything, the only person that liked him was Annie, and well Ollie was sure that Curtis had mixed feelings about him, he did not fully trust him, neither did he like him, but he was not mean to him as well.

"It sucks" said Annie.

"You can say that again Annie" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Hey you know what, I need to pack my tent up, since I am sure no one else will do it for me" said Ollie as he smiled.

"So you want to help me?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"Of course" said Annie as she smiled, that sounded like something way better to do than just sitting here all day looking at the ground while everyone else contributed to helping.

"Great let's go" said Ollie as he smiled and he stood up as he turned to Annie and he offered his hand to help her up.

"Thank you" said Annie as she smiled and she took his hand and he helped her.

"Do you by any chance know how to disassemble a tent?" asked Ollie as he smiled sheepishly, he had never done anything like that before, this was even the first tent he ever owned in his nineteen years of life.

"I do know how to, so don't worry" said Annie as she laughed, she found Ollie's embarrassed look on his face funny, there was nothing for him to be embarrassed of.

"Oh thank goodness, or else, we would have both been stuck" said Ollie as he laughed, he had only used magic to set up his tent, he knew that it was going to be hard for them to take it down and pack it back in his bag manually.

"I guess so" said Annie as she laughed.

"So what do we do first? Because I am completely clueless" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Well we have to take out the pins from the ground, so that way it will be easier to pack" said Annie as she explained.

"Alright got it" said Ollie as he smiled and he nodded his head.

"Wait, these are the pins right?" asked Ollie as he pointed to the bottom of the tent at one of the corners as there was a little metal pin holding the tent to the ground.

"Yes they are" said Annie as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"Alright" said Ollie as he smiled and he went on to remove the pin as Annie wanted to help him as she wanted to remove the other one on the second corner.

"Don't move too much Annie, let me do it, it's kind of heavy and hard to pull out" said Ollie as he looked at Annie.

"Well okay then, if you say so" said Annie as she laughed, and she stepped back as Ollie smiled at her and in no time he had removed all the pins from the four corners of the tent.

"Now what do we do?" asked Ollie as he really needed a step by step guide.

"Well we fold the tent… somehow?" said Annie as she looked very confused, it had been a long time since she had set or taken down a tent, so her memory of what to do was a bit hazy.

"From where exactly?" asked Ollie as he looked just as confused as Annie was.

"I don't know, I can't quite remember, it's been a while since I have had anything to do with a tent" said Annie as she was trying to jog her own memory of what to do next.

"Maybe we should just fold it once?" asked Ollie as he looked at Annie.

"No, no, that is a bad idea, you will end up just breaking the tent" said Annie as she shook her head.

"I think I am starting to miss my magic just a little bit" said Ollie as he laughed and Annie laughed as well.

"Well I mean, welcome to the club" said Annie as she laughed, she was still trying to remember how she was supposed to fold back this tent.

Matt on the other hand had been hearing their entire conversation, and he was done packing his own tent, Maddie, Annie, and Curtis' own tent and it did not take him a long time at all, but now well, it would seem that the all knowing Ollie, was now stuck, and Annie was stuck as well.

Matt sighed, as he really wished that he could turn a blind ear and eye, but he could not, so he walked to where Annie and Ollie were cluelessly standing as he walked to Ollie's tent.

"You fold it like this" he said as in one swift motion he folded the tent as Ollie watched in awe.

"Ahhh yes, like that" said Annie as she seemed to finally remember how they were supposed to fold the tent.

"I see, that easy" said Ollie as he looked surprised, the way Matt folded it under seconds was very surprising to him.

"Thank you Matt" said Annie as she smiled at Matt.

"Yes, thank you Matt" said Ollie as he smiled.

"You are welcome" said Matt as he did not smile at all, it was then that Annie remembered that Matt stilled seemed upset, and she did not know why.

"Matt, are you alright?" asked Annie as she was worried, it was unlike Matt to stay upset, and even be upset for no reason at all.

"I am fine" replied Matt.

"Are you sure?" asked Annie.

"Yes I am" said Matt.

"But you don't seem alright, you are fine, are you sure that everything is alright?" asked Annie as she was just worried, if Matt didn't feel so good, he should tell her, and if there was something bothering him, he should tell her as well, after all they were friends.

"Everything is fine Annie" said Matt as he sounded annoyed.

Annie did not know if he was annoyed at her, or annoyed at her asking him if he was alright, but regardless, Matt never spoke to her that way before, so now she was sure that something was wrong.

Ollie could tell that something was wrong, it did not take a genius to see it, but then again, this seemed like a matter between close friends, and he did not want to pry at all, which was why he kept quiet, before Matt ended up being even more angry with him than he already was.

"Fine, alright then, if you say so" said Annie as she did not want to upset Matt any further, he would talk to her when he was ready, she just hoped that, that would be soon, because she could not bear seeing him in such a bad attitude.

"What's going on here?" asked Maddie as she was walking back to them with Curtis following behind her.

"Nothing" said Matt as he replied as if he and Annie had not been talking just a moment ago.

"The tents are all packed" said Matt as he looked at Curtis.

"Well then, In that case, it is time for us to go" said Curtis.

"Okay" said Maddie as she walked to get her bag and Matt followed after her as Ollie packed his own bags while Annie just watched them all.

"Annie, are you alright?" asked Curtis as he looked at Annie.

"I am fine Curtis, just tired" said Annie as she knew that this was not the right time for her to try to speak to him, Matt wasn't in a good mood, she could tell that Maddie was upset with her for defending Ollie, and well the time just wasn't good right now, they had a mission to focus on.

"Alright then" said Curtis.

"Come on Annie, let's go, Curtis lead the way" said Ollie as he smiled and he looked at Curtis as Annie smiled at him.

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