

-We mostly say love is like a butterfly, as soft and gentle as a sigh.. But do you know what the feeling of love tastes like? Imagine having to eat wafers made with honey! Honey! You know how sweet and addictive that is? Yet love is not all milk and honey neither is it a bed of roses even though we sincerely hope and wish it to be.. Nonetheless, it is when one is truly at her happiest that one must look out for potential joy stealers.


"The hour has finally come, m'lady." Elsa announced from her seat besides Giselle in the carriage. When the evening was set, Zeke, through the help of Briceus, got a fancy carriage wheeled out of the Palace grounds to get Giselle out of her aunt's home. A knight was sent along. But from Giselle's end, her aunt Gertrude insisted Elsa went with her. 

Giselle turned to face Elsa since she's just spoken. 

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