
The Emperor and The King

Will spent his entire workday in meetings. The idiom, an army marched on its stomach was correct. As Deputy Minister of Commerce, it was his job now to work closely with Quartermaster-General and his Command.

During breaks, he'd pop over to the bank and checked the markets. Since the Fermion Guardian announced the demon invasion, the FTSE drop nearly 30%.

The stock market drop in the Great Eastern Empire was worse, nearly 40%. The financial losses were severe.

The last time the markets dropped, Will bought back stock. But even he was unsure if it was a good move now. There was just too much global uncertainty to risk investing.

When Will returned to work, he saw his staff animatedly chatting. They all looked rather excited.

"Deputy Minster, have you heard the announcement yet?" asked one of his analysts.

"No, but it must be good news. Did the Kingdom of Icer successfully manage to hold off the demons' advance?" asked Will.

"No, the Emperor of Rhaziesia docked in Durres. He's on his way to the palace!" said another analyst gleefully.

"An emperor is coming to Tirana?" asked Will in amazement.

"Yes! And Deputy Minster, I'll bet he'll wish to speak to you too," said Vanessa.

"I agree, he'll definitely want to meet of the richest men on Terra," said a third analyst.

"Let's get back to work," said Will clapping his hands and ignoring all the gossip.

Emperor Jacques-Louis de Caernarvon was tired. The Kingdom of Fermion marked his seventh royal visit. So far, his visit to the Eastern Empire marked his second to least favorite.

Being a pawn between the emperor and the imperial senate was not enjoyable.

Moreover, Princess Melody's unwanted attention caused him more unwanted consternation. In the middle of the political drama, backroom dealings, and romantic jealousy, he felt like a trapped animal in a menagerie.

What Emperor Jacques-Louis wanted more than anything was his autonomy and sovereignty reinstated.

To do that he needed money and territory. And right now, he had neither. And to gain money, he needed to earn the favor of both Duke von Muller and Earl vont Ballard.

Of the two, even Duke von Mueller recommended he begin with the Earl of a neighboring kingdom over him. Yet, the Duke promised to invest, only, and if only, if Earl William vont Ballard agreed to do so first.

Emperor Jacques-Louis has never heard the name Earl William vont Ballard until his father received the World Economic Forum invitation.

Since losing his empire, he heard that name everywhere he went. At every port he docked, the Silver Phoenix ships were docked loading and unloading goods. Furthermore, he'd seen people reading the Fermion Guardian newspaper.

He'd never heard of a newspaper, until that moment, but the newspaper circulation was rather large and its world news and business sections rather expansive. Yet, now he was an avid reader.

He wondered why no one else had come up with this idea until it dawned on him. Anecdotally, no other business had as large of a reach and trading fleet as the Silver Phoenix ships. Moreover, the cost of paper in most kingdoms was expensive.

Only, someone who was extremely wealthy and had the financial means were capable of pulling something like this off.

From there Emperor Jacques-Louis did his best to learn everything he could about Earl vont Ballard. And the more he learned the more surprised he became.

The earl started his business when he was a cadet in the Knight Academy selling board and card games. From there he bought a successful general store, built a cafe where individuals could play games and eat, and a theatre for entertainment.

The young cadet traveled to tribal lands and helped them manage through a prolonged rice shortage. While he was there, he opened a bank, and when he returned to the academy, he opened a bank in that city as well. Then his business was across the kingdom, along with casinos and auction houses.

Now his businesses can be found in almost every port city and town. But more amazing, his banks, casinos, and auction houses were all spatially connected.

The emperor could deposit money in the Kingdom of Icer and withdraw that money in the Kingdom of Fermion.

Yet as incredible as that was, what really caught Emperor Jacques-Louis' amazement was the flying airships and trains Will owned. It almost seemed that Fermion was a fairyland of make-believe. Or a fiction story created by some idyllic young foolhardy man.

To welcome him to Fermion, the king sent an airship to transport him to the capital. But now he saw the airships and trains with his own eyes. And the bird's eye view captivated him. He felt like he was the child in a fairytale, as the ship soared across the sky.

Will stood outside the palace, behind the king with the other senior administration. He was in between Duke Francis and Earl Francis II. Marquis vont Smith stood at the top of the stairs. His soldiers stood at attention on each step.

This was the most regal welcome ceremony Will had ever seen. Will had never seen a dignitary treated to such a lavish welcome.

Will looked at Emperor Jacques-Louis de Caernarvon as he disembarked from the airship adjacent to the palace.

Will noticed the crowd of nobles and commoners that surround the barricade to get a look at the young emperor.

As the emperor walked up the palatial steps, for a second Will and the emperor looked eyes. He could tell the emperor was examining him, for gods know what reason. But, Will smiled and nodded to the emperor for a glance.

As Emperor Jacques-Louis walked up the palace stairs he saw a noble with silver and green eyes, which matched the description of Earl vont Ballard. He examined the Earl, looking for any signs of character. From what he gathered, Earl vont Ballard was a greedy man full of avarice.

But the man didn't show any signs of greed. Based on his experiences, greedy men were usually fat and wore excessive amounts of gold. The man he saw was neither fat nor wore any gold. Emperor Jacques-Louis wondered if this was the correct man or maybe his sibling.

"Greetings Emperor Jacques-Louis de Caernarvon. Welcome to the Kingdom of Fermion," King Roland bowed as Emperor Jacques-Louis made it up the last step.

When the king bowed, so too did the senior officials, advisers, the crowd, and the soldiers saluted in unison.

"Thank you for the warm welcome King Roland Godwin Fermion III," Emperor Jacques-Louis greeted in return.

"Please follow me your imperial majesty," King Roland politely asked walking through the official visiting room.

Since this was the first imperial visit to Fermion, in over 500 years, Bryson had to consult the kingdom's rules of etiquette.

As Chamberlin, Bryson was a master of etiquette.

In the official visiting room, King Roland and Emperor Jacques-Louis set in identical chairs. While they were identical chairs, the emperor sat to the right. Thus, signifying his greater authority.

An audience of high-ranking nobles, government officials, and advisers looked on as the king and emperor spoke and exchanged pleasantries.

After pleasantries were exchanged, King Roland gifted the emperor money, jewelry, fruits, and sweets.

"Your majesty, truly I have never been welcomed more thoroughly until today," Emperor Jacques-Louis lied.

Every kingdom had a welcome ceremony and gave him gifts, except for the Qhosnir Empire.

"I am happy his imperial majesty is pleased," King Roland said gratefully.

"Your majesty, I am truly marveled at by your kingdom. The view from your airship was breathtaking. I would like to ride the train next," Emperor Jacques-Louis said honestly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. My chamberlain is happy to provide whatever you require," King Roland said pointing to a bowing Bryson.

"Thank you. I came to address matters of state. Might we have a more private conversation?

Also at this evening's banquet, might I request Earl vont Ballard sit next to me? I heard so much about him on my travels," Emperor Jacques smiled.

King Roland expected to hear his cousin's name brought up at some point. Sometimes King Roland wondered who worked for whom. There were days when he felt like he managed the kingdom solely for Will's benefit.

"Of course, Bryson clear the room," King Roland ordered.

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