
Family Day Out

A week quickly passed and Will was sent a letter informing him, his parents had arrived in town. Due to the flood of visitors, his were staying at an inexpensive inn near the entrance to the city. The letter stated his family would meet at the Mage Academy gates at the 8th bell. As Will walked to the gates he saw his mother, father, Rebecca, speaking to a tall, slim, decorated young solider.

"Greetings," Will said as he joined his family.

Will's family took turn hugging each other. He even received a hug from the solider.

"Long time brother," said the solider.

"Jason!" Will shouted.

"Yes," his mom said holding both boys. "Jason surprised your father and I this morning," she cried tears of happiness. Will noticed his mother's red eyes, he could tell she'd cried tears of joy after reuniting with Jason.

"I told our parents, my company was dispatched to help the city guards since so many nobles have arrived to watch the mage duels. We arrived last night. I was given permission for a day's reprieve," Jason said smiling. Will's mother said she wished the others were here to, but Marcus was on a quest in Death Valley, and Kathryn was traveling with the count's family.

"Let's go or we'll miss our breakfast reservation!" said Will's father. The five of them walked through the city, with Rebecca and Jason acting as tour guides. They passed through the central square, the fountain and once stopped in front of the restaurant where Rebecca, Emma, Emilia, and Will ate.

Will's father greeted the maître d', slipping him some coin and announcing that they had a reservation. The maître d' easily found the reservation, and led them to a table in the back corner, clearly a less prestigious location. As the vont Ballard family walked to their table, they greeted several noble families one after the other. As they walked through the restaurant, Will's father greeted and shook hands with several nobles. In the center of the restaurant, one noble stood up and greeted him "Baron James vont Ballard and Hellen, what a pleasure to see you two so soon," he said not bowing to greet my father.

"Duke Francis vont Whitby the pleasure is mine. What an honor it is to see you and your family," said my father bowing to the duke.

Rebecca walked over to greet Emilia and Emma.

"Come here Will meet Elizabeth, Emilia and Emma's sister," Rebecca waved Will over.

Remembering his decorum he first greeted the duke, his wife, and then the daughters.

"So this is the famous knight who won the Knight Academy, became Grandmaster Thaddeus' disciple, and also plans to take the Mage Academy midyear exam," Elizabeth said feigning admiration.

"Elizabeth be nice," the duchess scolded her.

Will was stunned, Elizabeth was the most beautiful girl he had seen his own age. She had chestnut hair and deep blue eyes that contrasted against her pale skin. Taken by her beauty and comment, he stumbled replying to her comment.

"Would you believe me if I said this was all due to chance?" Will said respectfully.

"They were right you are humble, but I don't trust you, there's something suspicious about you," she said.


This was the first time someone had said this to him. He felt exposed by her comment and her starring.

"Please excuse our Elizabeth, she's continues to fail to remember her etiquette!" the duchess said.

"It's okay, I rather enjoy her honesty," said Will sighing.

"Well you'd be the first," said the duke rubbing his temples.

"Excuses us our table is ready," said Will's father as the vont Ballard family made their way to the back of the restaurant.

James vont Ballard quickly order food for the family. As Jason told their family about his time in the military. Jason spoke about his time in Death Valley. He also spoke about his time guarding an emissary on a long distance trip to Albania. All the while his father reminded Jason of his familial duty to ascend as the future baron. Both the baron and baroness pleading with Jason to remain safe and in good health.

"Is Fermion going to war again?" Will asked. The question shocked Jason, and his parents, creating a brief moment of silence.

Jason and James looked at one another and told Will the truth. Fermion was slowly preparing for war against Albania. Both sides were beginning to build up their military. But war was at least a year or two away. This confirmation meant, there was a strong possibly after Will's graduation, he'd be sent to the front lines as new recruit.

The thought of Will, Rebecca and Jason fighting in a war was Helen vont Ballard's worst nightmare. Will could see his mother fidget during this conversation. Seeing this, Rebecca took the initiative to redirect the conservation to her classes and the Mage Academy preparation for the king's inspection. This of course was the reason nobles crowded the inns, shops, and restaurants. Everyone came to see the king and hear his thoughts on the students. Similar to the Knight Academy the third and second year duels were scheduled earlier in the week, and the first year fought during the weekend to close out the exams. Will was the last to speak, every already knew the results of Knight Academy battle. People also found out Will was ranked first in his year. Various nobles would congratulate Will as they passed by the vont Ballard table.

After the food arrived, the family's discussion turned to matters dealing with the barony. Will's father talked about the farms, town, for nearly an hour. As they ate, Will noticed Elizabeth staring at him periodically, like she was trying to solve a difficult puzzle. Baron James vont Ballard continued to lecture on about politics and finances, and guarding the river. Whenever the kingdom went to war, the king always sent a regiment of soldiers to guard the river and it was Baron James vont Ballard's job to feed and house them. This created an added burden for Will's father, which he grumbled about how the regiment always created more problems, than solutions.

"Father what's on the other side of the river," Will asked.


Baron James vont Ballard swallowed. Quiet griped the table again, before he answered, "Across the river lies the dangerous beastmen tribal lands. The savages live on the other side and it's are job to protect the Kingdom's border!"

"I've seen them Will, they are a cannibals and savages. We've killed quite a few," said Will's father.

"I've fought a few, they're stronger than humans, but they die just the same. We caught a few in Death Valley!" said Jason.

Will never knew his family was so racist. No wonder Elder Li thought him strange when they met. She probably thought he was researching how to kill them. 'Thank goodness, he didn't grow up learning that hatred,' Will thought. Thinking about Elder Li's first discussion when he moved in, it was clear there were high tension in the beastmen territory too. The Kingdom of Fermion must be worried about fighting two wars on two different borders.

After dinner Helen vont Ballard took her three children shopping for new clothes.

The family first walked to Alfred Clothiers for Jason and Will. A security guard waited outside, denoting the respectable establishment fit for nobles only. When the family walked in a saleswoman approached and asked to be of service. Helen who was typically timid, commanded in a stern voice they were here to purchase two suits equal or better than what the Baron vont Ballard was wearing. Mom and daughter talked, while the baron sat and napped. After taking Jason and Will's measurements, fabric was brought to the baroness. She chose black and brown fabric for the suits focusing on a softer expansive fabric. She also order silk robes for Will and Rebecca for elegant mage balls. In total the baroness spent over 700 gold on clothes.

"Wake up James! We need to head to the cobbler," Helen said before marching out the shop. She quickly found a shoe store to her requirements and order two pairs of new shoes for her children. One pair of dress shoes and another everyday pair. Will and Jason usually wore their knight boots that came with the uniform. But Will was extremely happy to have a nice new pair of shoes.

Will noticed that several noble women gossiped with each other as they shopped for themselves or their children. Will realized this was his first family outing since arriving in this world, his heart started to fill up with happy emotion. His wished days like this would happen more often. After they finished shopping, the baroness had all their hair styled. Afterwards, the had a lunch outside Guidon surround by other noble families, and then returned to have supper at the same restaurant. In the evening the Baron and Baroness walked Jason to his barracks, and Rebecca and Will to the Mage Academy hugging them good night. In the evening, the City Lord held a ball in the Duke honors, unfortunately cadets and mage students were excluded. Secretly Will was happy, as he found parties, soirees, and balls tedious. As Will returned to the cottage he noticed his master had fallen asleep in the rocking chair. Gathering his master's bedroom blanket, he covered him before heading off to sleep.

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