
Roaming the Capital

The inner court discussions concluded with the finalization of the groundbreaking agreements, and the ink on the contracts had barely dried when I found myself yearning for the comforting presence of my wife, Kekti. After days of negotiations and intricate dealings, it was time to enjoy some quality time with her.

The following morning, I set out to the quarters where Kekti awaited my return. As I entered, her eyes lit up with joy, and I could sense the happiness that washed over her as she saw me. Without exchanging words, we embraced, grateful for the moments of respite after the intense proceedings in the fortress.

Me - "The deals are concluded, and the empire is poised for unprecedented advancements. But, more importantly, I have missed you."

Kekti - "And I, you. Now that your duties are fulfilled, let us explore the capital together."

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