
Ch 7 manhunt 1 v 1

As Dream walk towards his home, he felt something sucking him. "What's this?" He asks as his mind went blank and darkness what followed. Waking up again Dream saw himself in front of him. Smiling at Dream he spoke. "Well having fun with my body?" The man asks Dream as he slowly went towards him.

"Let's play a game! Manhunt if you catch me ill give you a portal to go to the nether! So?" The man asks as he grinned. Dream looking at him smiled and spoke. "Yea sure but I want to ask are you the god or the person who made me like you?" He asks looking at Dream.

"hmm no that would be Rob I'm Dream we are Dream but I'm a different one. There are millions of us in different worlds there's even a person in your world as a Dream but he is the original. Now stop with the chit chat let's start" The person said to Dream as he started to run towards a lake.

"Looks fine I'm in," Dream said as he laughed and chase after himself. He looks at the person's hand and saw a boat. He looks at the lake again and looks at his inventory seeing a few pieces of wood he made both of his own. He looks back and saw him riding the wooden boat away from him.

Placing the wooden boat at the water Dream hope in and started to chase for himself. While chasing each other. Dream asks himself. "hey! Can I ask why make me come here? And where are we?" Dream asks as he jumps from his boat towards himself landing on himself while destroying the boat. "Well for starters," He said kicking Dream on the face swimming forwards and placing his boat back before getting on and leaving Dream also placing his boat back.

"Well because you may have our body, skills, and other stuff but you're not good at it. By running away your not getting better. We practice for ours and ours to no end until we see what we are. It's my job to train you and where in your mind right now so catch me hahaha or you never get out" He said as he reaches land getting his boat before running away towards the trees in the distance and punching the tree to get some wood.

"Fair enough I guess," Dream said landing on the ground getting his both, and chasing himself down. As he looks at the wooden sword he had. Dream took out the ice sword from his inventory. "Hahaha, you really are dumb! Before you came I was already fighting with techno" He said as both Dream and he fought.

Dream jump to the sky before using his body momentum to make himself numb. "Not gonna work Dream! Techno did more than that" He said as he lunch Dream a few meters away from himself before jumping spinning in the air he uses his momentum to place Dream to the ground as he was half-kneeling. One leg to the ground the sword clash in the sky.

Dream felt his whole body nub slowly loosening the sword he was holding and finally his ice sword was cut in two by the wooden sword he was using and cutting his whole body in half as he pops like a bubble of smoke.

Waking up again Dream look around and find himself staring at him with a smile. "Here take this our game isn't done yet your not leaving until you catch me see ya," Himself said as he dashes away from Dream. Looking at his hands he found his ice sword broken in two. "Hmm better get started then" Dream said as he chases after himself.

A few hours later you could see Dream wearing full diamond armor a shield and an enchanted ax on his hands battling someone that looks like him wearing full enchanted Dimon armor with a shield on his left hands and an enchanted sword on his right.

They clash swords and as sparks flew out. Dream has many cuts on his body a little bloody but same with the other person that looks like himself. They are on the edge of a cliff ten thousand meters deep.

"Ha...ha...Come on just...ha...Die already ok?" Dream asks as him she'd was broken. Quickly going to his inventory he took out a totem of undying to his left hands as he uses all his strength to destroy the other person's shield. "Same at you," The other person said as he also took out a totem of undying.

Running forward Dream push himself and the other person with him off the cliff. They fell at the average speed of 1500 meters per hour. ""Hahaha"" They both laugh as they clash while in mid-air. Dream rotates himself in the air and cuts the other person's head off.

Breaking the totem bones first emerge from the head then the veins then muscles finally the skin and hair along with the signature hoodie and mask. Using the person's sword he pierced the hearth of Dream also breaking the totem of undying recreating his hearth.

As they both look at each other taking both from the inventory they place it right before they landed and hopping on it. They both landed safely and the person that looks like Dream started to run away. Trowing an ender pear Dream teleported himself right beside the person that looks like himself. Bringing his ax upwards he cut half of the person's body off. Starting to his lower ribs towards his collar bone.

"HAAAAA FINALLY! IT'S BEEN A WEEK! A WEEK MAN!" Dream said screaming said as he saw himself in front of the person again. "Well looks like you defeated me well here's the portal and ill say this first. Place it to the portal in a secure place because your the only person that could stay safe in there bye then" The person said with green before Dream knows what was happening he saw himself in the place before he disappeared. "Go home and go to bed" Dream said running towards his house. getting inside he shut the door behind him and he walks to his room not even making it as he fell to the ground fast asleep.


In his mind, the person that looks like himself went towards a person that also looks like Dream but more mature looking and taller. "Im done with him it's your turn. He got his ability on check and also has given him the portal to the nether"

"yes, ill handle it. God did make a mistake and he needed him to fix it" He said with a tired sigh. It's not his fault they have been doing this for all their lives. Just like Dream, they are also humikin. They are the people that fought with the dungeon monsters and beast. But now an old monster has been slowly gaining power and has stolen one of their ability called pair play.

It's an ability to make someone equally to you and will always be pair to both of you even if the other is a million times stronger than himself. "no point that dragon is going to appear soon better be prepared than not" The other dream said as he disappeared in darkness leaving the new person that looks like Dream.

Not sure if you guys still get it but im just going wth the flow

See ya guys later XD

M2skMancreators' thoughts
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