
The Weak Revenge The Strong Forgive The Intelligent Ignore

But I really don't care and plus I have power only a fool would not use it.

Ruby became a rebel like Pyro but a more brutal and disliked one basically Pyro who everyone considered a actual hero exposing all the terrible Secrets and stopping crime and corrupt people and then we have Ruby who blatantly was the bad guy.

This was good as it fueled Ruby's Hatred meaning she gets more powerful and more determined meaning I get more powerful I already have Used Helena to bribe the school board so even if one teacher were to report my doings they wouldn't care.

Now onto step 4: I'll start recruiting many others into my plan to tear this school down.

I'm also doing step 5: I'll make my own web of connections spanning many powerful students then I'll spread fear throughout the school making people either submit or die.

Now onto the actual plan I walk around school and already just looking for some targets when I notice a group of Level 36,38,46,48,51 all rich and with dreams to become famous and it's time to crush those dreams.

Demon Gods Spell Book:



Create A Slave Symbol And Enslave A Person To Your Cause You Can Cause Immense Pain If They Do Not Follow Orders

A handy dandy spell when the Demon God needed to make sure his subordinates wouldn't betray him.

"You there" (MC)

"Huh? Oh! Sir...." (LV 46)

I'm still a Level 70, 1 and a billion genius so I don't think anyone will refuse this offer.

"Do you want join my gang?" (MC)

I'm just outright asking them

"Um.... what does this gang.... entail?" (LV 46)

"You'll become strong like me, we get to do whatever we want to people weaker than us, we establish a clear Hierarchy, you get protection and benefits and our goal is to tear down and rule this school, so how about it?" (MC)

"Hell yes!" (LV 46)

"Good but first I need to put this spell on you" (MC)

"eh? why?" (LV 46)

"To make sure you're loyal and follow me it will cause immense pain but don't worry it only does that If you don't follow orders" (MC)

"Oh ok" (LV 46)

"Wait can we join as well!" (The Group)

"Yeah sure just line up here" (MC)

Did you expect something more? don't worry I'll send out these guys to recruit people so we get some actual resistance and so it's more fun and if your wondering the Slave Symbol is a Red Rose With A Purple A In The Middle Representing Anarchy and I also numbered them on their wrist from who was recruited first.

I sat in my bedroom and looked at the system.

[Ding! The Sekaiseifukusha Has Gained It's 36th Member! Akari]

Underneath it showed a full extensive paragraphs about the Akari and the about the recruitment.

[Ding! The Sekaiseifukusha Has Gained It's 37th Member! Allen]

[Ding! The Sekaiseifukusha Has Gained It's 38th Member! Chase]

This continued for a while, I'll let you know if anything of interest happens.

~3 Weeks Later~

Everything is sorted out I have made my top team of 10 who basically keep this operation running and have recruited them personally and gave them new names.

The Informant Ichi.

The General Ni.

The Doctor San.

The Silencer Shiyon.

The Voice Go.

The Banker Roku.

The Hacker Shichinana.

The Guardian Hachi.

The Judge Kyuu.

The Tyrant Juu.

Aren't you curious on how I got the names? it's literally The Numbers one to ten in Japanese..... what? it's hard to think of names.

More and more people are joining everyday but those people are mostly the weak the average and the spoilt.

Some of the stronger elites are starting to try and stop me plus there's also the student council,staff,other gangs and rebels who are blinded by the idea of being the 'good guy'.

The office is dark with a bookshelf lining up the walls and some photos and trophies particularly Weapons or armour.

I sat behind the dark wood desk and on the black chair wearing a Black suit with a black coat hanging on my shoulders like a cape.


I called out.

A Figure wearing a White Mask in a shape of a snake covered her face, she appeared and knelt down on Infront of me facing the floor.

"I have a mission for you"

I stood up and grabbed a folder on my desk on it was a red text titled "OPERATION: HUMILITY" I gave it to her and went back to my desk

"This is a..... special mission for all of you, all of you will be assigned a specific group and you will first Recruit them into our cause if they refuse kill them and bring their bodies to the lab"

Ichi nodded and dissapeared.

Eighth After the school is fully taken over I'll Initiate The Cleansing I'll make a standard level you have to be and if you don't reach it by a certain deadline you are kicked out of the Hierarchy.

I'm not at that point yet but I'll get there.

~3 Months Later~

I walked up the stairs and through the doors, Two figures were behind me Ruby who wore a White Mask with a Red Rose On It and Emerald a recent recruit he wore a full white Mask with only a long black cross etched into it with black horns protruding from it.

They were my bodyguards ruby had two swords on the back,two katanas on her hips,two Shintos on her hips, a pouch with infinite space containing Lots of bladed weapons, two hidden blades on her underarm as well as on the other side of her arm, hair ties which were blades in her hair needles and small knives were implanted inside of her body so she could just pull then out whenever she needed them and much more all hidden somewhere on her body.

Emerald had a two pistols in each hand..... yeah he ain't playin he actually has guns all over him like a GTA character but he used an Invisibility Cloaking device to make it look like he only had two pistols.

I walked inside the giant room it had long table accommodating 13 Seats and I sat in the 13th seat because I guess they thought I was an unlucky charm Ruby stood on my right as Emerald stood on my left.

This room was filled by the most powerful and the ones who ruled our school, All of us refer to our number for the secrecy.

1 had a tired and stressed face as he sighed and spoke.

"13, over the past 3 months you have taken over 99.9% Of the school us being the 0.1 percent we have warned you enough and gave you too many chances either stop this Progression or we will be forced to take action" (1)

"I'd like to see you try Ahahahaha" (13)

I chuckled.

"13, This is no joke we are the only ones that are still not apart of your so called Hierarchy, you have two options number 1. Disband The Sekaiseifukusha and Everyone gets to be happy or number 2. Do not disband The Sekaiseifukusha and the necessary Actions will be made we will use force if you do not comply..... now choose" (7)

Everyone looked at me anxious about my answer.

"Hmmmm..... I'll go with option 3" (13)

"There is no option 3-" (5)

I snapped my fingers as 5's arm falls off.... no seriously Ruby still stood on my right but in her right hand was a bloodied knife.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" (5)

5 screamed in Pain as everyone stood up with their weapons drawn.

"Ruby, Emerald Kill Everyone In The Building And LEAVE.NO.SURVIVORS" (13)

It was a downright massacre I tell you everyone was dead..... oh did I mention the fact that I had clones going to other meetings like this and killing everyone?

[Ding! 45% Of The World Is Apart Of The Sekaiseifukusha]

What about the other percentage?

[50% Is Owned By Governments while the other 5% Are Currently Dead]

What Happend to the 5%?

[You Happened]

Oh right lol can you assimilate them into The Sekaiseifukusha?

[Ding! Assimilation Complete! You Now Own 50% Of The World]

Nice can you arrange a call between the top governments?

[They are USA,UK,Russia,Japan,China, Germany,France,Spain,Italy and Korea shall I arrange the call now?]


I was transported back to my office as a laptop appeared Infront of me with All the top countries in a zoom like meeting.

"Hello everyone! I'm sure you have alot questions on how you got here first of all I arranged all of you including the teleportation and the laptop and second of all I made this meeting because I had something that needed to be addressed, now can everyone introduce themselves?" (MC)

Everyone simply called our their country one by one.

"Not to be rude but who exactly are you and why are we all speaking in English?" (JP)

"A translator is in the laptop translating whatever you said into English for better communication as for who I am.... you can call me 13 I am the founder and leader Sekaiseifukusha and own about half the world" (13)

"!!!" (Everyone)

Of course everyone is surprised Imagine getting into a zoom call with a guy who owns half the world.

"And what exactly is your goal?" (UK)

"World Domination" (13)

" °O° " (Everyone)

Their mouths turned into Literal O's.

"And..... how do you plan doing that?" (FR)

France ready to surrender and pull out that white flag lol.

"Oh don't worry I won't go to war or use violence.... kind of... you see I present you a choice either cooperate in my plan of ZA WARUDO Domination Or I do it by force let me remind you I make up 50% of the world now raise your hand if you want cooperate" (13)

France,Spain,Italy and Korea Raise Their hands leaving USA,UK,Russia,Japan,China, Germany that do not cooperate.

"I see.... Welp release the airships" (13)

"Release the what now?" (USA)

Ginormous airships Thousands of Kilometres wide float above the countries who didn't cooperate and a giant laser appears as it blasts The UK leaving nothing but scorched land and all dead.


"Long live the World Conqueror, bitches" (13)

The other airships also fire destroying 50% Of The World.

[Ding! 50% Destroyed Would You Like To Assimilate?]


[Ding! You Now Own 100% Of The World]

Fantastic now on to all of the other steps it's Time.... for the cleansing.

~4 Months Later~

So Earth 1,2,4 Are now basically stuck together like what I did in Chapter 8 The Destroyed And Rebuilt London so I call this world The Immortalis Familia Immortalis is Eternal in Latin while Familia is Danmachi.

Anyway I'll see you in like a couple hundred years as I need to get my skills and system sorted out and also upgrade this world.

AN: How you like Deez Chapters?

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